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Tw: mention of rape and abuse, and drug addiction.

Jeongin was overwhelmed, it's been four hours in that car, crying, laughing, yelling..everything he needed to do so things got out of his system. And Minho? Well he listened closely, finding his mood changes rather cute and funny.

"Baby, we'll drive home now..Hyunjin wants to see you" Minho spoke, about to leave the boy on his arms.

But he was eventually pulled back by a grumpy Jeongin, who only craved love and attention.

They were located in the backseat of the car, cuddling as they spoke about various of stuff. Minho got, what seemed like a brilliant idea to Jeongin, that they could cuddle in the backseat, while talking about things that bothered him.

But Jeongin wasn't near as close as done. He pulled Minho closer, wanting to feel his strong arms around his rather thin body. He still had the plan of wanting to get to know Minho even better, and he stayed stubborn to that thought, and wanted to get to know him..even if he had to demand it.

"No..I've talked enough about myself, I want to get to know you on a personal level" Jeongin looked up at the older, who held himself back from just grabbing the boy and kiss those oh so beautiful lips of his.

"Sure..go ask away" Minho spoke, more than willing to share even the most traumatizing things that had happened to him as a child, to the younger. Cause he knew that no matter what, Jeongin couldn't escape from them. They had him, and kept him, no matter what..he'll kill for the younger.

Jeongin started thinking. Eventually getting an idea to ask Minho. Minho wasnmore direct, and since he already did ask Hyunjin that question, Jeongin thought it was perfect timing to ask the other.

"Are you and Hyunjin dating?".

Now that the question settled in, Minho smirked.

"Oh so your that kind of curious hm?" He chuckled, shaking his head at the boy in his arms.

"I'm curious about everything In general" he explained, earning an a basic nod from the man.

"We have sex on a regular basis..but I wouldn't say feelings are included, we did in fact agree to share you though..but relationship vice with me and Hyunjin, I would say friends with benefits. But I wouldn't complain either way if we became more than just friends with benefits. I'm up to everything, since I'm the one more confident with my sexuality, than Hyunjin..who sure flirts a lot, but he had doubted himself a lot too" Minho spoke, caressing the boy's cheeks.

Jeongin started turning red. The answer being too similar, but rather direct, to Hyunjin's. But atleast he knew that Hyunjin wasn't as confident as he may seem.

"How about you? You always looks like you know a lot, especially about mental health..why and how?" Jeongin questioned.

Minho seemed to tense up, and Jeongin started to worry about whether of he said something wrong. But hopefully all Minho did was to think of a clear answer. And hopefully, he wasn't feeling a bit to overwhelmed with his questions, cause that wouldn't be too good.

"I..I grew up in an abusive household..my mom constantly drunk and yelling, my dad hitting and taking advantage of me. It became worse when I came out as gay, my dad thought it was stupid, and..you know..raped me, while saying i should enjoy it, cause I was in fact attracted to men..he did the same when I came out as poly, forcing his friends to join his stupid activities..I was, 14 at the time.." Minho spoke, voice wavering as he tried so badly to not cry.

Jeongin felt extremely guilty for asking such questions, but alm he knew was to embrace the boy in a hug, smiling softly as he felt the male hug him back tightly.

"After that..I eventually learned how to respect people. I became distant to others and quiet, but my anger was always there. I couldn't stand seeing others harm other people, it was too much, so I eventually got into quite the fights. I became quite a stupid boy, taking drugs to numb to memories of trauma that kept accruing in my life, finding it as my only way to cope, I was an addict for to years, going from 15 to 17..Hyunjin thankfully helped my quit. I've never been do grateful" Minho smiled, the memories filling up his head.

Jeongin just tightened his hug, letting his head rest In the taller's neck, breathing in the cologne, that he surely was getting addicted to.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that..I'm sure you've been through much more" Jeongin spoke, feeling genuinely sorry for the older.

"It's okay baby, I'm open to share anything..aslong as your here, in my arms".

Poor Minho :(.

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