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The cold breeze traced their skin as they walked down the empty street, looking ahead of them to spot a familiar house, that only made the younger cling more to Minho. As they were walking down the path Minho had shown for the first time about a months ago or so, they talked about their favorite stuff, smiling and laughing as they embraced each other's warmth comfortably.

It was times like this that Jeongin truly believed in love, and how it affected one person from the other. And just being there beside just one of the two men he loved, was enough to make him smile for granted.

"What do you think life would be a year from now?" Jeongin asked, looking up at the sky as he watched the white clouds appear.

"Well, I'll be turning twenty this year..and I'm probably in college, while both you and Hyunjin might have already ended school" Minho smiled, walking beside the younger calmly, watching how he looked like a child playing at a playground.

He smiled as he catched up to the boy, wrapping his arms around him, making it impossible for him to escape.

"And, of course I will have you and Hyunjin by my side" He chuckled, giving the smaller a quick peck.

Jeongin smiled and let the older embrace him, tired from running around like a kid in a fantasy world.

"So baby..shall we find something to eat?" Minho spoke as they reached their car, opening the door for the younger, to show himself off a bit.

"Wow such a gentleman" Jeongin giggled in sarcasm, letting his lover close the door for him, and taking a seat once he got to his own door. "See if Hyunjin can come, even if he might be busy" Jeongin spoke, as he looked at his phone, then out the window.

It was the middle of March, and soon to be Hyunjin's birthday. And both of them two found it weird good idea to go for a walk, and talk about what could possibly be an amazing gift.

"Sex maybe?" Minho spoke, smirking as he wanted to see Jeongin reaction.

And to say, he practically choked on nothing, holding in the coughs that was to escape so badly.

"W-what?" Jeongin questioned, voice coming out hoarse.

"You heard me..birthday sex" Minho smirked, lowkey planning the idea out in his head.

"What did I get myself into-".

"Uh, okay, you got together with two people who stalked you sweetheart..don't call us weird" Minho joked, earning a giggle from Jeongin.

"Not my fault, I've never felt emotions with having other people but my dad and mom around" Jeongin shook his head with a smile, knowing for a hundred percent what kind of mess he got into.

Both Minho and Hyunjin was something, whenever he walked in public with both of them, they often stared people down whenever they simply looked in his direction, and proceed to mumble words to themselves.

The worst was when he interacted with people, he remember how upset they both got as they spotted him hugging Felix, while what the thought that no one was around.

But even so, he knew how they were. Obsessive and possessive. And he couldn't lie neither, he felt the exact way around them. For an example, he got mad when Hyunjin had to have a shoot with some girls, and to say, Jeongin wasn't happy with the outcome.

But even so, Hyunjin had full understanding as to what the younger felt, and even asked if he could switch projects with someone else, which he luckily managed too.

So even though they all had equally bad side, they still did love each other much higher, and having the two men was already enough for Jeongin, even though he liked Felix as a friend, he knew he didn't need him as much as the two men who was practically the reason he was still alive.

Toxic beauty.

I managed to update-. Though we ordered Macdonalds- so that's great.

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