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Jeongin listened to the soft singing, keeping his eyes closed as he didn't want the beautiful voice to quiet down. He rolled around softly in the bed, hearing a specific and familiar chuckle that made him open his eyes. He glanced around the room to spot none other than Hyunjin, sitting on the floor, probably waiting for the boy to wake up.

Jeongin kept quiet, as he watched Hyunjin for awhile, hearing him hum some songs while playing with his hair. It would be a complete lie to say that Jeongin didn't find the voice comforting. He couldn't help but to feel so unbelievably guilty, for finding one of his stalkers..sort of attractive. It was wrong..so wrong, and that was what messed with him the most. Even though they could treat him so right, or give him the world..they were still his stalkers, that have been invading his personal space.

"Good morning" Jeongin whispered, finally sitting up to catch the attention of the taller, who stood up with a smile.

"Ah, Jeongin..good morning..uhm please don't be freaked out, but uhm...you've slept through the whole school day, so we had to drive you home to..us...I promise we didn't do anything, we just let you sleep and-".

"Hyunjin, it's fine..thank you" Jeongin smiled, standing up from the rather large and soft bed.

Hyunjin just watched the smaller sit up, looking around with tired eyes, as he tried making out mist of his surroundings.

"Uhm...my phone?" Jeongin nervously asked, rubbing his together.

"Oh yeah".

Hyunjin went away for a second to go get his phone. Eventually coming back with it in his hands.

"Thank you" jeongin smiled before turning on his phone. Sighing softly as there was no notifications from his father..so he assumed he probably was asleep at home.

"How do you feel? Are you okay?" Hyunjin asked, getting closer to the boy.

"Yeah..I'm just tired, it's been a long night".

"Please rest when you get home, okay? I'll drive you in a few minutes, you can use the bathroom to the left to freshen up or something.." Hyunjin explained, eventually taking his leave, without saying another word.

Jeongin quietly slipped into the bathroom, scanning his surroundings again. It seemed like having a roommate would have bunch of benefits, cause their house or apartment..he actually didn't know. Was pretty modern and looked quite rich, it being a bit overwhelming for the tired boy..but it would be stupid to complain about somebodies else's house.

He hummed as he turning on the faucet on the sink, letting his hands get soaked with water, before washing his face with it. Once he freshened up, he turned of the sink, feeling much more awake and energetic now, than before. He exited the bathroom, but was met with a rather rough chest, causing him to shriek as he backed away slowly.

The sudden appearance surprised as he stood still, trying to calm down before looking up at the person, who stood against the doorway, with a smirk on his face. It was easy enough to tell who it was, Minho just chuckled softly before walking up to the boy, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Did you sleep well princess?".

Princess? That was beyond odd. First thing first, he wasn't a girl, and second thing second, he wasn't going to let Minbo charm him like that..cause he clearly never have a shit about him, despite claiming so.

"I don't think you have the rights to give me a nickname, when you simply doesn't give a shit about me" Jeongin crossed his arms, shaking off the taller's arm.

"And what made you think that way?" Minho asked, raising a brow at the smaller who just sighed before giving a response.

"You haven't treated me nice..ever, all you did was to watch Hyunjin actually care for me, you always say stupid and ridiculous stuff..stop that. I simply don't care if neither of you would one day just leave me, cause that certainly all I need right now. I don't need you guys to stalk me 24/7, cause I never get time alone, you invade my privacy and I don't like that! It's beyond wrong, I should of had reported this from the beginning. But both of you kept distracting me, you kept being wherever I went..I'm fucking scared to leave my apartment because of you guys. I don't care if Hyunjin genuinelg cares about me, but it's tiring that I'm constantly being followed and watched. And you are the worst one, because you simply doesn't give a shit about me, yet follows me around like an eerie dog!" Jeongin yelled, eventually leaving through the bedroom door, where Hyunjin stood with a frown displayed on his face.

To say, Jeongin was in fact done with everything.

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