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Jeongin hung over the toilet, letting out the puke from his mouth, into the toilet. He clutched his stomach as he felt pain in the back of his throat from throwing up the whole day. He didn't know what was happening, but all he knew was that he felt unbelievably tired and exhausted, but he was kept awake the whole night..puking..the headache in his head not disappearing. As he continued to lay over the toilet. It's been four hours now, and it was finally coming to an end. But now, all he needed was to go get some pain killers from the convenient store.

Usually he would ask his father for help, but he was everywhere but home. And he no longer dared to look in his direction, which scarred the boy seriously. He really didn't like how things switched up so bad. Sure he may had yelled and screamed that he wished everyone would go to hell, or just dissapear in general..but he didn't mean it like that.

Now, he felt empty, like he owned nothing. His mom, practically disappearing, and his father..turned into hell itself. And Minho and Hyunjin was no where to be seen.

So he had no one anymore. He missed having a father that was practically his bestfriend, and he really didn't understand what went wrong. But everything kept tumbling down on him, and he was getting so stressed that it didn't not only effect him mentally, but physically too.

He stoop up, wiping his mouth from the access of the puke..eventually getting dressed in much more appropriate clothes, for winter. Before exiting his home, remembering to bring his keys and wallet with him too, aswell as his phone being in his pocket.

The walk to the convenient store was peaceful. The snow fell from the sky, piling up on the streets. People preparing for christmas..what a depressing month.

He remembered last years Christmas..he was together with his family, in the warm apartment, decorating the christmas tree and eating delicious food made by his mother..talking about new years, and the pure future..his father being so nice and gentle, caring and smiling. His mom's laughter could still be heard, when he cracked that fun joke that send her into a wave of laughter and pure happiness. She was happen, his father was happy, he was happy...they all were happy.

Where did the years go?

He wanted to desperately feel the warmth of being hugged, comforted, telling him everything was gonna be okay, a that there was a form of light..lighting up the dark void in him, as it eventually became a summer field with butterflies and flowers.

All he actually wanted for christmas, was someone to make him smile..cause it's sure been awhile since he last smiled of genuine happiness. 2 months, without freedom..despite having access to everything..and now that he had freedom..he felt empty, like it wasn't meant to be his purpose.

Just hold on.

That was what he repeated today himself..but knowing that holding on, was one thing he could barely even do.

He pushed the glass door open, getting engulfed by the warmth. Not paying attention to the person entering right behind him. He eventually started looking through the medical stuff..spotting bandages and bandaids on a whole shelf, but he wasn't there to get a roll of bandages. He was there to get pain killers. So he waited patiently by the front desk. Spotting the woman walking up to him.

"Hi what can I get for you?" She spoke sweetly, preparing the whole system before letting the boy talk.

"Painkillers please" he spoke, watching her nod slightly.

"Coming right up..can I get an ID?" She spoke, beeping the package of pain killers in, letting the boy pull out his pass, for picture ID, since he didn't have a driver license.

He showed her the pass, before nodding..letting him pay for the painkillers, before he took his leave.

Though on his way, he wasn't exactly..careful about his surroundings, cause he accidentally bumped into a man, who held a warm coffee in his hand.

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