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Make it stop.

The next day was filled with being anxious and cautious, though he didn't now why he was so on guard. Maybe the experience of yesterday, still hasn't sealed close. And maybe that was why, he felt so anxious, and like he had to watch his back every now and then. He approached his locker, choosing to stay in the rather big crowd, incase something happened. He didn't know why, but the fact he had to walk through a big crowd of people, was already nerve wrecking enough. But seeing them by his locker, caused him to step on his tracks.

Jeongin didn't know why, and he also didn't want to assume that it was them creeping him out..but ever since he made eye contact with the longer haired male, he has felt sort of eerie and anxious. And he definitely didn't want to put the blame on them, so he chose to keep low profile. It was wrong to call other people, creepy and scary, for something his anxious ass probably made up.

Though, he decided to approach his locker, not wanting to seem hesitant in front of them, eventually stepping between the two men, to open his locker. But he really couldn't help, but to feel so out of place. He shifted on his feet, taking out his large note pad, holding it against his chest, as he closed the locker behind him. He turned around to walk away, heading to his first period.

He entered the class in peace, sitting back furthest in the room, leaning his head against the window as he closed his eyes. He barely got sleep last night. No nothing because of the situation at the convenient store, but because after having some good time with his father..they sadly got the news that his mother's condition had worsened, and his father needed to leave, to sign a new form of paper for treatment. So Jeongin was left the whole night, woke up to no one, he was so exhausted, from practically nothing..well other than not sleeping, but he usually never let that show.

"Do you think Mrs.Park would show up for today's history class?" A familiar voice spoke, causing the boy to look up in confusion, only to look away immediately.

It really started to bother him, they were everywhere. And if course they had rights to be in a convenient store, a school, and other places where all types of people went, like the park, beach, swimming, etc. And it wasn't like he could told them to leave him alone. cause 1, he didn't know them, 2, and they had all rights to be in public places. So he bit his tongue, attempting to ignore their presence, big he just couldn't help himself.

"I doubt, I believe I heard Mrs.Shin telling the counselor about her recent sickness..so I don't assume she'll be coming".

Jeongin sucked in a breath, eventually ignoring the two presences beside him. If it was really them that made him feel so uncomfortable, then he wanted it to stop. But the again, he couldn't just assume.

The whole class was torturous, Jeongin kept his head low, drawing in the note pad, to avoid the lesson in general, wanting to focus on everything but that subject. Their usual teacher wasn't at there, and was replaced by a sub. That made the lesson even worse. Especially because he could here the substitute stuttering, and hesitating on their words, making the boy find it harder to ignore everything around him.

He wanted to go home.

A little filler chapter.

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