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Jeongin hissed as he felt the warm water hit his bruised up skin, feeling completely sore after the fight with his father, head barely holding itself up as he attempted to wash off the stained blood on his waist..where a vace had accidentally cut him.

The noise has finally stopped, assuming his father either passed out from exhaustion or went out..the worst was that Minho and Hyunjin was coming over in a bit, to check on him..and luckily for him, the bruises that littered his body was only visibly on his hips, waist, chest and legs, so it was easy to cover up with a simple hoodie.

He hated the thought of them clearly having the right suspicion on him..he felt so exposed, but was it really best if he opened up about it? Was the world really willing to let him get a chance in life?

One positive thing that happened since a week ago, aka the day he met the doctor for the first time..and hopefully last too.

Was that he had eventually put on some weight, and he wasn't throwing up food as much anymore, only sometimes when days were really just bad..like today.

And he had also managed to turn the awkward tension between him, Minho and Hyunjin around..knowing that he had a heart too big to lose them.

They had numerous disagreements and a few arguments. They still were unbelievably suspicious of him, and stated that they would atleast have to check up on him a few times. Hopefully they won't notice how much pain he actually was in currently..but still, he'll try his best to cover up.

And that's exactly what he did when he got out of the shower, drying himself up carefully since he was still sore, and the bruises were hurting real badly. He decided to cover them up just incase, trying his best not to make to much sound when he dabbed the beauty blender against his skin, to eventually blend both concealer and foundation onto his bruised skin. He picked out a bandaid, big enough to cover the slightly deep cut on his waist, feeling much more relieved that it was in fact covered up fully now.

He finished with putting on some new clothes, sighing as he went to clean up the mess in the living room, and kitchen, knowing that their suspicion would grow worse if he didn't do so.

So he slowly picked up the broken vace, piece by piece..not noticing his father watching beside him.

"Finally doing something in this house! Put yourself to use a bit more like this..unbelievable that I have to give you such lessons for you to do shit" his father cursed, leaving seconds later, going god knows where..hopefully staying away for a long time.

Jeongin couldn't help but to let a few tears spill over, burying his face in the joodie he wore, which belonged to no other than Minho. Hoping that this would soon come to an end, cause he couldn't take it anymore. It was so tiring for him to hear the same words leave his father's mouth, about how useless and stupid he was, how he never helped in this house and rather go places with Minho and Hyunjin, making him feel guilty by the slightest bit. He couldn't take it, it was so unbelievably exhausting, and he had no healthy way to cope, he wanted to be happy..why was it just so difficult for him to be so?

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