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Jeongin hang over the table at his school, not paying attention to anyone, not even the two men beside him. A whole week has passed since that day in the restroom, and ever since then, atleast one has always been right by his side. Why? He didn't know, probably cause they didn't want him to report it to the police, but then again..he could easily do that if he wanted to. How? Well simply by calling them, or getting someone else to help him with that. But he didn't do anything, and it started bothering him. He couldn't understand how he could be so ignorant to the fact, that his stalkers were always beside him..it really had an affect on him.

The bell ring, indicating the end of the class. And to say, Jeongin didn't move at all. He stayed in the same position that he was in to behind with, blocking out everything and everyone.

"Jeongin, wake up. Your going to miss the next period" Hyunjin shook him, causing himself to shake his head in disapproval.

Jeongin was in fact stubborn and stood his ground most of the time, he can go on forever..and ever, just to have it his way, if he believed that was the best way.

"Jeongin, stop that. Get up, or else we'll drive you home" Minho spoke in annoyance, shaking the boy who kept shaking his head.

Jeongin really didn't feel like moving, he didn't know why, but he just didn't want to move a single muscle. It was somehow comforting to stay still, but he was also frustrated that he didn't get to be alone.

"Minho, please hold back your aggressive ass..he needs time to understand what's fully going on, and his confused..let him be" Hyunjin spoke, holding his hand over the boy, who found comfort in the fact that Hyunjin actually stood up for him.

"Whatever, I'm going to our next class..drive him home if he doesn't participate in any classes" Minho groaned, standing up with force, eventually making Jeongin flinch.

There was definitely a huge difference between Minho and Hyunjin, and it showed.

Once Minho slammed the door shut, Jeongin started closing his eyes again, wanting peace. But all he could think of, was how angry Minho always looked.

"I'm sorry about that" Hyunjin apologized, rubbing his arm gently.

"You always say he can't tolerate seeing people interact with me, though the way he interacts with me is far more aggressive" Jeongin spoke quietly, not wanting to hear on how Minho was actually a good guy.

Not only did Minho stalk him, but he always spoke down to him, and was rather aggressive and impatient with him. It was in fact a huge red flag, so Jeongin definitely did not want to interact with Minho alone.

"But I swear, he-".

"Stop saying that! He doesn't give a shit about me, and you can see that. And I don't care at all, but it's frustrating that you are saying something else, while Minho is acting the opposite way. I don't like that!" Jeongin spoke, raising his voice as he looked up from the table.

This wasn't like him. Complaining, yelling and overall being anything but composed, wasn't his real self. He knew he got stressed a d frustrated over the fact he couldn't get one single moment alone, but he also hated the fact..that all that happened at the moment, was out of his control.

"I think it's best I'll drive you home, you need a break" Hyunjin spoke, standing up as he threw both his and the smaller's bags over his shoulder. Waiting patiently for the bit to get up aswell.

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