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Jeongin was purely confused, now hugging the big note pad against his chest, as he tried to think about what the men had just old him. Did he have something that belonged to them? Cause he surely never remembered taking things that weren't his, unless it's given to him. He was genuinely confused, and the frown on his face showed that.

"I'm sorry..I don't understand..did I take something that belong to you? If i have, then I'm sorry..but I'm sure it was unintentional" Jeongin spoke, apologizing for absolutely no reason other than hoping they would stop stalking him.

But all he received in response was a dark chuckle from both of them.

The shorter haired male shook his head as he held back a laugh, eventually looking back down at the smaller who hugged the oh so precious note pad against his chest.

"Really? Apologising? There's no use in that" Hyunjin chuckled, patting the smaller's shoulder.

"But what else am I supposed to do? I don't know what I have taken that belongs to you, but really I'm sorry, please just stop stalking me around" Jeongin begged, slightly annoyed over the fact they kept shaking their heads at him.

"I'm gonna tell him" the shorter haired male said, only to get hit by Hyunjin who were still crouching down at Jeongin's level.

Jeongin looked between the men, still trying to figure out what he could have possibly done wrong. But nothing seemed to make sense. He had done nothing. He never complained nor whined over stuff, he knew better than too be ungrateful. So he really didnt want to get into trouble for something he did not mean to do, or something he just didn't do in general.

"You don't have something that brings to us" Hyunjin spoke, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder, before looking back up at the other, who just nodded, as if he told him to continue speaking.

Jeongin didn't understand. Why did they follow him around if he had nothing that belonged to them? Yet stating that he did have something that they owned. It made him genuinely frustrated, but he decided not to show it.

"Wait what? Then what's the point in practically stalking me around, if I had nothing that belongs to you? Also it's illegal to do so, you know I can just report this to the police. How long have you been following me for, cause I surely only remember feeling watched these past few days" Jeongin stated, genuinely curious as to what they wanted with him.

"I feel like Hyunjin here, wasn't that specific with his words" the other spoke, ruffling Hyunjin's hair, earning a glare from him.

"First of all. We have been following you around, ever since you came here..but that's not the important part. Since you can't seem to get what I'm implying, I think it's best for you to go home, and think about it to tomorrow" Hyunjin stated, keeping his hand firmly on his shoulder.

Jeongin shook his head, there was in no way he was going to wait on the two of them, to just tell him what they wanted with him.

"Hell no, I'm gonna report this to the police!" Jeongin refused, standing up immediately.

He was eventually met with a pair of sharp eyes, stopping him from moving.

"There's no use in that. We'll get what we want anyways in the end. So..just go home and relax, okay?".

Jeongin felt dizzy at all the words that played in his head. Why did they seem so strict and intimidating, but like the genuinely cared about him. Thus was beyond fucked up, and it messed with his mind. What kind of start was this? His been attending this school for 3 months, and he liked it here..he just didn't know he was being watched the whole time.

Funny how after he had eye contact with Hyunjin, that he started to pay attention to the fact he was being watched. It was really beyond fucked up.

"This is so messed up".

This chapter was so bad, but I don't know how else to start the plot of this book, so here you go.

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