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Hyunjin left the room to go find Minho, which was easy, especially considering g the fact that the apartment wasn't that big, and he for sure did not leave, cause he wasn't that type of person. He just needed a quiet place to think for himself, and he found that place in the kitchen.

"Minho" Hyunjin called out, tapping the boy's shoulder as he turned around, facing his best friend with teary eyes.

It was so rare to see Minho so devastated, especially considering the fact that Minho was the rather unemotional one in the relationship, but at this moment, he couldn't handle it, so he simply hugged Hyunjin tightly, as he hid his face in the taller's chest..eyes closed as he sniffed softly, letting himself get engulfed in Hyunjin's arms.

Sometimes all you need is a hug, and it was more than obvious that Minho definitely needed a few, considering that he really wasn't a person to ask for things, nor beg for hugs. But at this point, that was all he needed to do, he also sometimes needed to be held, and today, was just one of those days were he needed some extra comfort and support, and he was so grateful to have Hyunjn there.

It was also a lot to say, but he was so jealous of how Hyunjin was able to keep himself together, yes he may be more emotional, and show his feelings confidentially, but it still didn't change how well Hyunjin kept himself composed, cause he was able to handle everything and everyone, even though he was hurting himself. He respected that so much, but also wanted to be portrayed that way..even though he knew that he was probably good enough the way he was, but he just was so insecure.

What if he wasn't enough for both Hyunjin and Jeongin. Maybe he needed some reassuring, perhaps validation, but could you blame him? He had a rough start too.

"Does he hate me? For forcing him into confessing about it all?" He cried out, holding onto Hyunjin's shirt, like his life depended on it.

"No, and I honestly think you did the right thing..sure it was impulsive and really direct, but if you didn't act now, who knows what could've have happened in the future? Sometimes people needs an extra push, even though it may be far beyond their limit, or boundaries..but I'm sure Jeongin is thankful for it, he is just a bit stressed right now..and needs rest, and you need some too" Hyunjin stated, playing with his hair softly, as he ribbed circles on his back with his other hand.

Nothing meant more to them than Jeongin..Jeongin was more important and rare than any lottery ticket in this world, he was like pure glass, sensitive and see through..but always showed the most beautiful sides to him. Even though he may have spilled lies and words, he was still the most important part to them, and losing him, was definitely a pure nightmare to them.

"I feel so bad, I wanna hug him" He cried out, wanting no one other than Jeongin and Hyunjin right now, feeling so undeniably attached to them both, he wished it would show.

"Go give him a hug and cuddle him, I'll go for a drive to clear my thoughts, and I'll pick you up at 4 pm, which is around two hours from now..I'm sure he'll appreciate the cuddles" Hyunjin spoke, pulling away as he looked into his bestfriends eyes, planting a small kiss on his head, to comfort his tired heart.

We all need a Hyunjin in life.

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