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"Who is Julia?" Jeongin turned around looking at Hyunjin in curiosity.

"She is someone my mom thinks I'm dating" He sighed as he flopped on the couch, wincing as the pain from his lower half shot through his body.

Jeongin approached, straddling him. He had grown used to his ass hurting, so it was much more tolerable for him to move the way he wanted too.

"But no one can replace me right?" Jeongin smiled, kissing his lips softly.

"Of course not baby, you are so beautiful and precious that if I wasn't hurting, I'd wreck the shit out of you" Hyunjin chuckled, looking at Jeongin's expression.

"I can do it for you?" Minho entered the conversation, making them both shake their heads in an instance.

They hust chuckled it off. Going back to cuddling like before, hoping they wouldn't get interrupted this time. It would really be such a bad timing.

Jeongin was also confused, he didn't expect Hyunjin to have such parents. He thought he would have an average class family, since their house wasn't modern nor fancy at all, neither was it expensive to pay rent for, especially considering the fact they split it up in three. So he was in fact shocked to see them so wealthy looking, and walking around in high class brands like Chanel and Dior. But he chose to shrug it off, even though he was undeniably curious as to why his parents was so against homosexuality..maybe that question would hurt to ask.

"Why don't your parents support lgbtq+?" Jeongin asked, turning his attention towards Hyunjin.

He didn't exactly expect him to know, cause it was all about preferences..or well, it wasn't wrong, bit some people was just against such things, and Jeongin was genuinely confused of how someone could be so much against it, and make it their personality.

"Well..I don't know a hundred percent. But since I was little, they refused to associate me with any other coler than blue and green, stating the the other's were too bright, and too girly. So I naturally just went eith whatever they said. They love and care for me, so coming out has always been my worst fear. I'm afraid that if I tell the truth, their sight on me will completely change..and I really don't want to go through that" Hyunjin explained, while rubbing the younger's back, kissing the nape of his neck gently.

"I'm sorry Hyunjin. I thought you had nice parents, since you said you never had to go through hard times.." Jeongin spoke, playing with the taller's hand as a pout crept on his face, eyes darting to Minho who looked at them fondly.

"Well, I'm not an expert. Sure I suppose that having to be completely ideal for them to like their own son, may not be healthy..but they did support me and give me love while growing up, they just have very high expectations in return, and in general easy to dissapoint" Hyunjin spoke, smiling at the way Jeongin fiddled with his hands.

"I'm still sorry.." Jeongin mumbled, turning around to cuddle him.

"Don't be baby. I have you and Minho, I don't need anyone else" Hyunjin spoke, causing Jeongin to frown.

His plan wasn't to force them together..but he had a feeling deep inside of him, that Hyunjin meant way more than those two words, and the way they stole glances times to time, s something. And Jeongin was determined to know what it all was about.

See the plot forming?

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