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"Oh okay baby" Hyunjin groaned as he was embraced in a tight hug from the younger, who you could say atleast looked pale and tired.

Jeongin couldn't help his excitement, he was so happy he could see the taller again, 6 days were quite long, and it definitely felt like pure torture, and he certainly felt a form of relievement as he hugged the taller.

He had figured out he didn't feel known at home anymore, his father and him never spoke, he rarely asked for food or even tried to make it, cause it all belonged to his father, and he didn't want to create another unnecessary argument with him. So not eating for a few days was fine, he didn't feel hungry after all. He felt just fine with drinking water, though he did manage to get his hands on a few carrots, which was the only form of food he had consumed for the past 6 days, so yes he was pale, light headed, and extremely sensitive.

"Happy new years baby, wanna watch the fireworks at our little hangout spot?" Hyunjin spoke, still concerned on the younger's health.

"Happy new years to you too, I haven't even noticed time had passed so quickly. I prefer spending time with you both" Jeongin spoke, coming closer to get a kiss from the older.

"Baby, have you even been eating? How come you always look so pale, tired and sensitive to the touch, whenever you get out if that apartment, what happened?" Hyunjin asked, now changing the subject fully, opening the car door for Jeongin to step into the car, as he did the same afterwards.

Jeongin couldn't help but to tense up, the tension lingering in the air. It wasn't his fault his father had stopped ignoring him, and he soon got used to it. So there was no absolute reason I complain, he was going through a hard time to.

"Jeongin if your father-".

"His going through a hard time too, I believe he'll come to me again one day..but I must accept it being like this first awhile" Jeongin spoke, cutting his words short as he saw Hyunjin park the car further down the road, to go turn all his attention on the boy.

"No, Jeongin no..you can't just expect things to get better, if you try to talk to him and he doesn't reply, then there's no fucking reason to keep trying. Baby, I love you. But really, you can't continue like this, your getting skinnier and skinnier, it's unbelievable. You need to take things into action, cause you never eat when your home, which makes you so much skinnier..I can't bear to see you like that" Hyunjin spoke, practically staring into his soul, causing the younger to tear up.

He knew that the older meant it, but he was oh so sensitive to the fact his father didn't want him anymore. He did nothing to deserve it, he lost his mother and his father in the meantime, it was so unbearably sick, he couldn't take all that pressure. There was a reason he hated returning home, he knew all this would happen. And he hated it.

"I know...I'm just tired I guess, I know I can't keep making excuses..his my father had is the one who is supposed to help me through life, cause he was the only one I had. Now I rely on the two of you, and you shouldn't have the responsibility of taking care of me. Yes i appreciate it, and I love the things that follows with it. But I feel like a complete burden, u feel like you will grow tired of me, and that you'll hate me eventually. Please, please, please, never leave, you've all I got" Jeongin cried out, feeling a hand touch his thigh, rubbing it to comfort him.

"Your not a burden baby" Hyunjin replied, hoping to comfort the boy.

"You can't legit convince me otherwise".



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