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"You look happy today" Minho spoke, approaching the boy who sat alone in his class.

Jeongin looked up from the big note pad in his hands, smiling as Minho sat down beside him, glancing at the drawings he created.

"I love your drawings" Minho complimented, earning a soft giggle from Jeongin, who felt confidence boost through his body at that. "Can I take a look in it?".

Jeongin thought for awhile. Even though he did in fact trust Minho, he wasn't that sure. But he figured it wouldn't be so bad, even though the drawings were quite aggressive, Jeongin still handed his note pad to the male because he, who you could say atleast, felt his heart flutter at that movement.

Minho started going through the pages slowly, taking in every little detail that Jeongin drew. He was beyond amazed by the talent of the younger, and couldn't help but to smile in satisfaction.

"Your amazing..I've never thought you'd be able to draw so good" Minho spoke, handing the note pad back to him.

"Wow..you've stalked me for probably half a year, and you never saw them?" Jeongin questioned, smiling softly as his arm was slapped softly by the older.

"No but really..your incredibly talented, maybe one day I could let you draw me something, and then I'll get it tattooed" Minho spoke with a smile, placing his hand on the youngster's thigh.

Jeongin choked on his saliva, right there and then, the fact that Minho would let him do that, made him feel slightly special. He didn't expect such a reply, but he oh so couldn't help but to smile at the thought of actually drawing him something, that he could get tattooed on his body. Something that'll stay permanently forever, was he really willing to risk that?


"Yeah, I like your drawings..you should do these types more often" Minho spoke, pointing at the slightly more, gruesome drawings he drew when he was feeling good.

"I-..do you have any tattoos now?" Jeongin asked, wanting to change the subject away from his art.

Minho chuckled at that attempt, squeezing his thigh softly before responding.

"I do, I have quite a few. Maybe one day, I'll show them".

That just made the man ten times more attractive, he didn't look like the type to have tattoos so, surely that surprised the younger, who was still undeniably so found in all the overhwleming compliments and affection, praying that he wouldn't get a stroke from all that warmth he felt, when simply being near them.

Jeongin decided to take a break from drawing, laying his head against the wall he sat up against, letting the older rub his thigh as quietness flooded the air.

If only he knew what the older was thinking about, while rubbing his thigh oh so specifically, but it going so unnoticed by the younger, made it better. But he had to keep it for himself, knowing that he had to know the younger a bit more, before he decided to cross that thin line between them.

Ooo the plot hehe.

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