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"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asked as he walked beside Jeongin, watching him hold the big notepad against his chest, sighing softly as he stopped to look at Hyunjin.

"Yes I'm sure..I wanna be alone with my thoughts for awhile" Jeongin smiled, watching as the taller looked down at him with a wired expression.

When Hyunjin had asked Jeongin to drive somewhere, Jeongin was quick to deny the offer which he usually never did. So Hyunjin of course got curious as to why Jeongin didn't want to go for a drive, but understood he needed his own personal space aswell. Yeah sure he stalked him, invading that personal space too, but he couldn't help but to be overwhelmingly obsessive with the small boy, that was too pure for this world. All Jeongin wanted was to go for a walk, but Hyunjin wasn't exactly sure whether to let him walk alone for himself..mainly because he was overprotective, but that still didn't change the fact he had an odd gut feeling, that he couldn't get rid of.

"You know you can call and text me anytime right? And if you need help, please ask someone close to you before calling us..if there isn't anyone around please call us, I'll even be willing to send Minho after you" Hyunjin spoke, over worrying on instinct.

"Hyunjin, it's not my first school day..I'll survive..nothing is wrong with walking, like look, I'm doing it right now!" Jeongin spoke, starting to walk backwards into the crowd, which of course was a rare sight, but it was mainly to tease Hyunjin.

Once he disappeared from the males vision, he turned around and headed towards the head entrance, pushing the doors open as he started to walk down the road he was  oh so used to before everything got fucked up, and before everyone and everything decided to shit on him.

He hummed to a song, loving the feeling if having no eyes on him, no pressure of anyone talking, no one arguing, no one yelling nor hitting him. Just his own imaginary world, and if he should be quite honest, he wanted this too happen every single day. He wanted to feel this at peace, when simply just walking. He remembered never having to worry about encountering someone, now he was too encounter that someone, but still, it used to worry him shit. And he was so devastated he never got a break from everything.

So he enjoyed this new typed if fresh air, letting himself grow used to the space he had for himself. All he needed now, was a happy father, who still showed the same love and support for him. The loving father that actually tried to make him happy and wished that he would smile more often. That happy father had turned into something even Jeongin couldnt imagine. And even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to eventually stop putting the blame on himself, even though it was his father's fault for treating him so badly.

And he wasn't even supposed to defend him.

But he still did that.

okay so we're almost at 300 views, and I've lowkey forgotten to thank you for the 200 views! It makes me so happy knowing that people read my shit :).

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