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New years.

Once they got settled down, spreading the blanket out, preparing the food..Minho taking out a beer bottle, they eventually sat down, cuddling close to each other as they pointed at the sky, pointing out stars and resembling them with things. Something that Jeongin could stare at forever, completely lost in watching the stars, that he forgot it was new years. Let's just say he jumped a bit at the loud sound of someone miles away, firing if fireworks.

The fact you could still see the beautiful sight over the field filled with flowers, was amazing. The colors of the fireworks amazed him, taking his attention away from the stars above him, as he rather sat his focus on the fireworks blowing up in the sky.

Jeongin looked to his sight as he heard s bottle getting opened, spotting Minho opening a beer bottle, about to drink some when he catched Jeongin's attention.

"Must be nice to be an adult" Jeongin groaned, earning two pair of chuckles in reply.

Him just simply pointing as he leaned onto Hyunjin, Knowing the taller wasn't going to drink neither, cause he had to drive them all home.

"Don't worry baby, it's your turn next time" Minho spoke, taking a sip from the beer bottle, looking down at the younger who watched him closely.

Jeongin just focused his attention something else, pouting as he leaned closer to Hyunjin, wanting to feel both their arms around him, but Minho smelled like beer now so he simply avoided him.

"Poor baby, so eerie for cuddles, but he smell bad right? Atleast I can give you pure kisses, no beer taster lingers in my mouth" Hyunjin spoke, kissing the younger gently, feeling him happily responding.

"Yeah yeah. Let me enjoy being nineteen" Minho shook his head, knowing the younger probably wouldn't resist him later in.

Their attention turned to the field, now hearing a bunch of fireworks going off all at once, indicating that it was in fact January first, the new year fully started as the sky lit up with fire works that exploded in the sky.

The sight being absolutely eye catching from such distance, and Jeongin couldn't hell but to smile, it was new years, finally. The lit up sky filled with colors meant that everyone was celebrating, and he oh so loved the view, while still being beside the two men that he oh so adored the most. Smiling as he thought about earlier, or well now yesterday, when they spend some intimstentime together, wanting to feel that amazing way more often.

"Happy new years baby" Hyunjin spoke, slicing the tiny cake and feeding it to Jeongin, who gladly took a bit of it.

He returned the favor, and also turned to Minho, ignoring the smell of alcohol the lingered to him, he was still in fact Minho and sober, so there was no reason to actually exclude him..he deserved a piece of cake too, and he was more than willing to feed him a bite or two.

While the sound of fireworks lingered in the air, the amazing tension of being close and well bonded, Jeongin was happy and satisfied with the two men, wanting to keep them close forever. And ever.

Even if that meant going through some arguments.


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