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When Jeongin walked through the door, he was immediately met with two men, that embraced him like their life depended on it. It definitely cut him off guard but he let them hug him till they eventually let go, leaving the boy almost breathless as they looked at him with worried eyes.

"Why were you taking so long?!" Minho asked, immediately cupping his cheeks to look him directly in the eyes.

Jeongin was once again taken aback by the sudden movement, looking back into Minho's eyes that were filled with concern. Causing him to feel extremely guilty.

"I'm sorry..decided to take a longer way home since I needed to clear my thoughts out.." Jeongin spoke with a smile, earning two sighs of relief.

Were they really waiting for him? Why, he had walked back and forth quite sometimes now, they shouldn't be worried..also he was no longer a kid, it made him confused. He of course love them a lot, but there was no reason for them to wait like that.

"No we apologise, it's just that you usually arrives home around 15 minutes after you leave work..we just got a bit worried baby" Hyunjin spoke, coming closer to plant a kiss on his soft lips.

"It's fine..but really..you shouldn't wait for me, it was okay the first two times, but I know my way back and forth, I don't need you to worry..I am an adult now, not a child.." Jeongin responded tiredly, earning a heavy sigh from Minho who still stood there, hugging onto him, like he was the complete opposite of an adult.

"We know..but we can't help it..you know how we are, and we've talked about this..we'll try not to get too worried next time" Minho spoke, once again apologizing for their manners.

Jeongin just smiled tiredly, figuring that he had enough for today and went to rest, on his own for once. He had grown used to sleeping beside either Minho or Hyunjin, sometimes even both. But tonight he just wanted his own little rest for once, which he saw no harm in.

He collapsed on the bed after closing the door, knowing that he already had a long shift tomorrow, which was in a Saturday. So he assumed it was gonna be busy. And to go through that day, he need some good rest.

So he got changed into some new clothes, figuring he'd take a shower tomorrow morning to start off the day. It was his first time going to open the cafè up early in the morning, and close it late in the evening, but he didn't complain, he actually like being in the cafè.

He didn't know what excited him. But being in the nice and comfy cafè just made him happy, it just had such a nice and relaxing vibe to it, that Jeongin absolutely adored. It was also a good place for him to go wander around with his own thoughts, while cleaning or practicing in making drinks, or preparing cakes and other kinds of pastries, it made him happy. 

So with the motivation to go sleep and prepare for a long day tomorrow, he fell asleep with a smile on his face, letting the peace get to him as he drifted into dreamland.

First chapter of the new year! 2022 here we go!

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