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The sky was dark outside, and the only thing bringing the boy light was the many lamps above him, he was busy sanitizing the table and counters, taking down chair and pulling out some tables. He watered some of the plants decorated around the cafè, smiling to himself as he enjoyed the quiet and calming atmosphere woth his own thoughts, dusting off some objects, as he started preparing the cafè.

What that meant was to refill the many different types of cakes that stood on rows in the small glass cabinet. Humming to himself in the meantime, as he finished off moping the floor, making each and every single corner, spot free.

He knew his co worker would arrive soon, knowing that it'll be only those two on today's shift, made Jeongin quite nervous. He wasn't used to socialize that much with strangers, and his co worker was very different from just usual costumers. Usually all he haf to say was, hi and have a nice day. But speaking to his co worker was different, he had to actually participate in a conversation with him.

So it was understandable enough to say, that he was slightly, just slightly stressing over it.

But he chose to set his mind on others things instead.

He attempted to destress himself by making something for himself, happily skipping through the quiet cafè, not really knowing what to do anymore.

They were opening approximately an hour from now, so it was pretty early that he had shown up, but he managed to get most things done in peace and quiet, and he liked that.

Though he felt his heart skip a beat when the sound of ringing echoed through the room, causing Jeongin to look up in curiosity, eyes meeting woth another male, who wore a black coat but a nice beige colored sweater, and some blue jeans.

"Good morning, why so early?" He asked immediately walking towards the boy, who clearly hesitated to speak.

Jeongin's mind was running lapses, he looked everywhere but at the man in front of him, not knowing how to approach him.

"G-good morning.." he mumbled, hating himself for the lack of confidence in his voice.

He could only blush in embarrassment, looking even further away as he wanted to escape from the awfully awkward situation.

But for some reason it was only supposedly him, who felt awkward, cause the male beside him just smile warmly as he took of his black coat.

"I've never got to really introduce myself, you seem so busy doing all sorts of things..but I'm Felix! Nice to meet you, and well..welcome" he laughed, smiling brightly at the boy beside him.


To be honest, he already knew his name, he was in fact known a lot. But even so, he appreciated the greeting responding with a similar smile.

"I'm Jeongin..".

Jeongin really didn't know what to do, so he simply followed the other's lead.

"I assume you aren't really a social type..that's odd, most people here can't stop talking" Felix spoke, hinting at the clearly spontaneous co workers at this place.

"Yeah..I've paid attention to that" He spoke, scratching the back of his neck, chuckling nervously.

"I've wanted to approach you earlier on, but I got caught up in other conversations..but I've paid attention to all the work you do..you clean a lot..like...a lot" Felix spoke, now pointing out Jeongin's behaviour.

But not in a bad manner, cause they both shared a small laughter, starting to warm up to each other a bit more.

"I don't really know what else to do besides taking orders haha, I'm still practicing making drinks..so I'm not quite perfect yet" Jeongin responded, getting even more used to the latter beside him.

"Maybe I could teach you sometime?" Felix smiled, gladly offering help to Jeongin, who seemed hesitant about that part. "Also I'm quite glad you do clean a lot..no one does so otherwise in this cafè unless they're told to by their supervisor, so the fact you just doing it without Amy problem, is actually a big help".

"I haven't realised that, maybe it's just something I do out of a habit? I've figured out I like cleaning quite a lot".

"Well atleast you found something you like..that's what matters the most" Felix spoke brightly, standing up as he took a look on the clock, knowing that they soon had to open the cafè and start a long day.

Jeongin making progress and friends hehe!

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