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"What is the purpose of this place your taking me too?" Jeongin asked, looking out the window as he realised they were on their way inside the woods.

"Well, I found this place when I wanted to go hiking to find a good place to take pictures..and I found that amazing place, where stars were so prominent, the sunset was beautiful, and to moon really shined through the many clouds..I got some pretty nice pictures, and I also used some of them for a photographic project I had in art class, and scored an A. So I came here more often, sometimes I took Minho along aswell..since he sometimes needs to come out with some feelings...and I personally thought that this specific place, is a good place too throw all responsibilities off of your shoulder, be free to say pretty much anything you want..like a safe place you know..and I think that you'd love it" Hyunjin spoke, unbelievably enthusiastic about it.

Jeongin couldnt help but to admire that enthusiasm, not believing Hyunjin could get so excited about talking about stars, moons and sunsets. And he even got to learn something about Hyunjin, that he was into photography.

Though he was curious. He knew quite a few things about Hyunjin, cause he was more into sharing his interest with others, while being proud of it himself..he was calm, and composed, but a rather social butterfly aswell. He socialized easily, and was a smooth talker, Which made it easy to share a conversation with the taller. But he barely knew anything about Minho..Minho was also quite calm, but had a short temper, but extremely quiet too, he was sort of impatient. But that was it, even though Hyunjin had also told him that Minho was rather possessive, Jeongin hasn't yet experienced it yet..so he was in fact curious to see, but he wasn't yet sure if it was a the best thing to experience.

"Can I ask something about Minho?" Jeongin asked, wanting to get a form of consent first.

"Sure, I can share a bit, why?" Hyunjin spoke, looking at the road in front of them.

"I've gotten to know you quite well, but Minho is still pretty foreign to me.." Jeongin fiddled with his hands.

He really was curious, he wanted to know some simple stuff. Hs figured that the rather personal was for Minho himself to talk with him about.

"How old is he? You mentioned he was a year older than you, but your 18?".

"Yeah..Minho is 19, he had to retake a whole school year when he in first grade, dunston personal matters" Hyunjin spoke, smiling like an idiot to himself.

Jeongin didn't really know what to ask next, he wanted to know more..but Minho seemed like to keep a lot of things personal. Usually it was easy to get to know someone by being with them quite some time, but that was never the case with Minho. He kept a straight face most of the time, not really speaking, or making a sound. It made him curious, but he knew that was something he needed to ask Minho.

Though something caused him to think, it was mainly a question divided into two units, so he asked the first one.

"Why do you always say I belong to you guys, I barely figured that out" Jeongin spoke, still not understanding the concept of belonging to someone.

Hyunjin chuckled, shaking his head before responding.

"Isn't it obvious? We clearly like you, if not completely inlove with you..that's the reason why we're constantly keeping an eye on you, calling you cute nicknames, and just in genuinely caring and holding you" Hyunjin spoke, with a soft smile plastered on his face.

That took Jeongin a bit off guard, but he didn't complain. Sure they treated him nice and made him feel special, but he didn't really know yet, what he was feeling actually meant..and he chose to ignore it..and would probably continue ignoring it. But he did kinda figured the fact they liked him out, he just wasn't sure how to put it, cause he obviously haven't tried this before.

"W-what about Minho..he was the one who started this...but his sort of cold and isnt as expressive as you?".

"Well, let's just say that Minho doesn't let anyone other than me and you, approach him, without practically thinking about murdering them..and the same goes to when he sees others approach you" Hyunjin giggled.

Jeongin couldn't help but to find it a bit funny himself, holding back a laughter as he continued asking questions.

"But why is he so quiet? He barely says anything, and when he does he so straight forward..like he wants to get it over with?".

"There's two reasons behind it, one being personal, so I'll leave that for Minho to explain..but he is actually incredibly shy, I've known him since kindergarten..and trust me, he is shy".

Jeongin wouldn't believe that, so Hyunjin had to continuesly try to explain Jeongin how his shyness worked out.

"You mentioned that you both like me? How come you not fight over me..are you and Minho in a relationship?".

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