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"Okay Yang Jeongin, I'm sorry for the wait. I'm Doctor Min, the report says you've been throwing up on a regular basis, around 10 to 15 minutes after consuming any form of food and liquids, is that correct?" The Doctor spoke as he came into the room, a chart in his hands that were listed with things that has been happening to his physical body.

He was unbelievably nervous, and scared of what to come. The fact he was told to be alone in the room with the Doctor was far beyond a huge red line for him, he wanted to have either Minho or Hyunjin, of not both of them..by his side..but he wasn't allowed that unless they were related or married, so he had a hard time answering the questions that were directly asked as soon as the said Doctor had stepped in.

"Is it hard for you to communicate with other people?" The Doctor asked, changing his tone of voice, from rather professional and direct, to personal and soft, hoping that the boy would feel more at ease by that

He managed to give a slight nod, causing the doctor to smile softly. Which definitely helped him feeling more at ease, and rather comfortable.

"Okay then..I'll ask some easy questions at first, like your age and birthday, then I'm going to talk about school related things, and in the end we'll about relationships with friends, lovers and family, alright?" The Doctor spoke again, leading the conversation with ease. Jeongin just looked up, hesitantly nodding.

He felt anxiety creep up on him, he was so unbelievably nervous, but wasn't exactly sure why. Why was it him who were scared of talking about what was going on with him at home, how his dad hits and yells at him for the smallest thing..why was he having so much fear for exposing his father? Was it because he simply was the only family member he had any form of contact too? It made him so confused.

"Can you tell me your birthday?".

"February 8, I'm 17" Jeongin answerwd with a quiet voice, almost inaudible.

"Your turning 18 in around 3 weeks, am I right?" The Doctor asked, wanting for confirmation.


He looked down at his hands, feeling like shit..the bright light in the room was worsening his headache, and he felt unbelievably cold.

"How about school? How are you thriving in your class, and can you mention your favorite subject?" Hebasked numerous questions all at once, causing the boy to have a difficult time picking it all up.

"..uh...I've taken a break recently..I've just felt exhausted and tired, due to not sleeping so well..but I like art, it's the subject I'm most active in" Jeongin spoke, cowering a bit up as he talked about his hobby, not knowing why it made him excited, but it brought him joy.

"Do you have any form of idea why you can't sleep at night?" The doctor spoke, writing whatever Jeongin said down in a chart.

Which Jeongin for some reason kept an extra eye on. He wasn't sure, but he felt so scared to expose his father..would he actually do that today? To a professional that could give him immediate help?

"..I throw up...there's a lot of noise going on, so I have a difficult time falling asleep, and often find myself sleeping in class instead".

"Do you prefer sleeping in your class than at home?".

Jeongin had to think for awhile. If he was honest, the place were were got most sleep was at Minho's and Hyunjin's place, but if he had to compare school to home, he would get more sleep at school, due to it actually having a rather peaceful enviroment..while at home..he didn't like thinking about it.


"Why is that?" He questioned again.

All those questions started to get to him, but he knew he shouldn't react in a negative way, this was all to help him..but it was so nerve wrecking.

"I-i..home..is uh..quite noisy" He responded, knowing that he was practically exposing himself.

"Is it true, that you do in fact throw up 10 to 15 minute after consuming any form of food or liquid?" The doctor repeated the question from the start.


"Do you have parents that are regularly fighting at home?" The doctor asked.

"No..my mom died last month, after being in a coma for almost a whole year..my dad..he is uh...not that present".

He clenched his eyes shut, regretting for opening up like that, sweat forming on his skin, causing the doctor to take a step back.

"My condolence. How is your relationship to your father?".

At that point you couldn't even get to him, Jeongin blocked out everything, breath speeding up as sweat rolled down his forehead, tears threatening to fall..it felt like arrows were being pointed right at him, like he had to expose something so big that could ruin his life forever.

There was so much running through his head, his headache pounding much more, having to hold it up.

"Jeongin, I want you to take a moment to breathe in slowly, and I want you to be completely honest with me" The doctor spoke, attempting to calm the boy down, who was slowly losing his mind.

He held himself composed for awhile, waiting for the next question as he felt like breaking down right there and then..he held his breath, hand grabbing onto the chair he sat in for dear life, knuckles turning white as all his eyes could focus on, was the window behind the doctor.

"Are your father, harming either verbally or physically? Perhaps both?".

This chapter was shit, but oh well..the show must go on.

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