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"Finally..that took you long enough" Minho commented, holding his arm in a firm grin, causing Jeongin to Yelp at the pain.

He looked up at the two men, dry tears staining his cheeks. As fresh ones started to form.

"I'm sorry" he apologized for no reason, eventually falling onto his knees in attempt to curl himself up into a ball.

He couldn't focus on anything, his mind was practically running from him, and he couldn't get to it. Everything felt like he was being tested, but it was very real. He was in fact being harrassed by these two men, even of he begged on his knees for them, to go away.

"Shh, I apologize for him harming you..can I see your arm?" Hyunjin spoke softly, causing something inside the boy to stir. He looked up from his knees, making eye contact with him.

Their dynamics were so different. Minho was straight forward and rough, he thought a lot about things and patience wasn't a good friend of his..but Hyunjin was calm, yet didn't think as much. That's how much he could describe them until now.

He simply shook his head to the request. Causing Minho to let out a groan of annoyance.

"Minho, go to class...I'll talk to him about everything" Hyunjin stated, looking up st the older male, who looked back at him with a frown displayed on his face.

"Fine, but think before you speak" Minho warned, leaving the restrooms a few seconds afterwards. Causing Hyunjin to sigh.

It was quiet, and Jeongin listened in on their conversation carefully. Picking up a specific sentence that he questioned.

What was Hyunjin supposed to tell him? What could be so important at the moment. He was on his knees, asking for them to leave him alone, then why wouldn't they just listen?

"Jeongin..remember we told you we always kept an eye on our belongings?" Hyunjin questioned, earning a nod from the smaller. Who looked up a bit.

"Well, both me and Minho really, really need this one..thing..." He continued.

"And it's important for you to understand, how serious we are with this. Don't just think it's stupid, or else we have to show you, that we really aren't kidding".

Jeongin's mind was spinning, he's head was heavy, and he felt the urge to just scream..but he was frozen, wanting to know everything that had something to do with him.

"And?" Jeongin spoke, finally calming down as he looked the male in the eyes.

"You are, the thing that belongs to us".

Jeongin practically choked on his own saliva, eventually coughing as he tried to process what he just heard. He shook his head in disapproval, but was quickly shushed quiet by Hyunjin who held his long slim finger against his lips.

"And. We won't let anyone place a single hand on you, hurt you, etc".

"How the fuck will that protect me! I feel unsafe when you guys are there, but you claim you here to make me feel safe and protected?!" Jeongin shouted, finally losing his cool.

"Jeongin..it may not seem like that, but that's the truth is..we aren't here to hurt you, but we are here to keep you as ours..and ours only".

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