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After Minho left. Jeongin practically got no sleep, he had been told that the latter wouldn't leave before he ate the food he bought for him. Due to making sure that Jeongin was doing rather fine. And of course Jeongin ate it, he couldn't let Minho experience the way his father treated him, and he knew he would stay as long as he wanted, just for the sake of it. But Jeongin certainly wasn't ready to show such a bug side to him yet, so he practically swallowed the food whole, feeling like throwing up knowing that he couldn't be doing that when Minho was there.

So now I he hung over the toilet, hugging his stomach in pain, as both vomit a blood filled the toilet. He let himself hold onto the sink beside his toilet, trying to endure the pain that has slowly become a routine for him.

He could feel the burning sensation in his throat, the warmth of the many substances getting from up, the taste was horrible. He couldn't help but to cry, it was all so bad, and it didn't help that his father banged on the door, yelling at him to be quiet.

But he couldn't stop vomiting. Not atleasf till his stomach was emptied out, his knuckles white from gripping to tightly on the sink, yes clenching close as he held onto his stomach like his life depended on it. Feeling it ache over and over again, wanting to badly just throw himself into the toilet.

He stood up at wiped his mouth, rinsing it gently afterwards as he attempted to brush his teeth without throwing up.

"Jeongin, I swear, fucking be quiet" he heard his father yell as he finished cleaning up, him being undeniably exhausted and tired at hearing his father's voice over and ovat again.

He opened the door, expecting the worst to calm. He was right, a punch was served right where he clutched his stomach in pain, causing him to cry out at the overwhelming amount of pain shooting through his body, doing yet more lunches and kicks getting delivered..bringing nothing but pure pain with them.

"Stop! It hurts!" He could be heard screaming and crying, wanting nothing but mercy to be given to him.

"No, shut the fuck up and accept you punishment!" His father yelled, grabbing his hair as he forced him to stand up, slapping him across his face, causing his head to be swung to the side.

This was one hell of a round, and Jeongin couldn't help but to collapse to the floor due to exhaustion, looking up at his father who just looked down at him like he never meant anything for him. That hurt.

He could feel the imprints of his hands on him, leaving a powerful impact on his sensitive skin and emotional condition. He was simply left there, to go take care of everything himself. Which he did, learning to eventually save his tears for a bottle made for them.

"I wanna die" he whispered, trying to stand up successfully, which he managed too..eventually stumbling into his room, breaking down crying in there due to all the pain.

He felt oh so fucking pathetic for not fighting back, he simply couldn't do it. It wasn't his thing, his heart was too big for his body, which caused it to be an easier target for people to shoot arrows on.

"Fuck this world..your fucking dead to me".

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