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Jeongin's just heaved up and down, pure eyes overflowing with tears as he leaned against a familiar, yet muscular chest. He didn't wanna look up, feeling to miserable and shamefull to even do that.

He didn't believe he had the rights to cry like this, Felix had asked for one of his so called lovers numbers, and he mindlessly gave Minho's away, hoping he'd relate a lot.

So now, he was curled up in his lover's arms, crying and shaking as he didn't know what to do. All he felt was the small distracting kisses, rubs, and hugs being provided to him by Minho, who held him like the biggest baby in the world.

"Oh baby, what made you feel so bad Hm?" Minho spoke, cuddling the boy in hopes he'd feel better.

"I-..c-can not exp-lain, pl-lease" He stuttered not being able to actually form the proper words to talk, he felt verbally weak, anxiety creeping onto his back.

Head falling onto Minho's shoulders, and he didn't know what to feel. It felt wrong to cry on somebodies shoulder, but he knew Minho let him because he genuinely cared, but he still felt like a burden.

It was so confusing, and he let out a sob as he was lifted from the floor, immediately wrapping his legs around Minho's waist, letting the man carry him out of the storage room, and the cafè, telling Felix on the way that he had to leave, which he totally understood, feeling extremely worried about the boy..but continued his work anyways.

It seemed like everything flashed before his eyes, the way he was sat at the front seat of the car, Minho by his side, as they drove home. Jeongin was still exhausted, yet had calmed down from the intrusive thoughts he had. So he sat against the window, still overwhelmed after what happened, as small tears slipped from his precious eyes.

Minho's heart was practically aching, he hated seeing that boy. He remembered how he acted around Felix, when he said he would go inside to help him, and how he pushed him away to be the one who helped him..he didn't like Felix, he didn't like how he touched his shoulder when attempting to calm him down, but he knew he'd better save his angry thoughts for later..knowing it shouldn't affect Jeongin in anyway, and that they had zero control of his social life.

So the first thing he did when they came home, was to purely cuddle. It was because he chose to do so, but relatively because Jeongin wasn't letting go of him.

He hated how he wanted to take full ownership of him, along woth Hyunjin too. Just to pet him, like if he was a dog..was that wrong? Was he having toxic thoughts about the boy he oh so dearly loved? He didn't want that..he just wanted Hyunjin and Jeongin, that was it, he needed nothing else.

Everything was so tense but their cuddling, and that what's made them both relaxed. Though, they both had no idea, what was going inside each other's mind.

Can't sleep :(.

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