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"Jeongin, please eat" his father spoke for the 3rd time already, now tapping his fork on his plate.

Jeongin hasn't been eating for days, and he started arguing with his father a lot because of it. He really didn't know what was happening in his life, but everything continued to get worse and worse..time by time.

"Listen Jeongin, I'm having a hard time too. I can't deal with the fact that she is going to die soon, it's better to just think about something else. She's..not worth spending your thoughts on" his father spoke, catching the attention of the younger.

That hurt to hear. He knew it was his father's way of coping, but it was so unbelievably mean to say..and it definitely did not comfort him a slight bit. Each day that passed, his father would get more and more rude, and say stupid thing out of context. Which was the start of most of their arguments.

"Can't you stop saying that? I'm grieving, and I have all the right to do so! Where did my father go? Where did my one and only friend go..you used to understand me much more, but now you just spitting straight up shit out of your fucking mouth!" Jeongin raised his voice, already knowing how this was going down.

"Language! Don't act like I'm the one who changed here. You don't attend school, you sleep over every day, and never eats. Making up stories of how someone is stalking you! Get that shit out of your head Jeongin. Stop pretending that its having such a big effect on you, when in reality, you probably doing it for attention" His father yelled, throwing the younger plate on the floor.

Jeongin was speechless by what he just heard, this was definitely worse than the other times. Cause usually his father would still have a form of understanding hidden somewhere. But this was..beyond his boundaries.

What's was happening..from two months ago, everything went fine. He was smiling, happy, ate, lived his life in peace. His mother may not be fine, but she was not exactly dying yet..and his father was more than happy to spend time with him.

He hated everything, he didn't know what was going on, it happened so fast.

"I think, you should shit your fucking mouth, cause I'm sure mom doesn't want to hear you, yelling at me like this!" Jeongin yelled, leaving the dinner table, shutting the door close, without another word.

There was no escape from this awful situation, he really considered going to see Hyunjin..since he'd usually listen, even though he was one of those people who couldn't understand what privacy really was.

But he didn't want to waste his time on getting pushed away. It's clear that they have no interest for him anymore..never showing up, never watching him..it was beyond fucked up.

He didn't know what to do, nor who to went to about it. He wanted complain, but it would be a waste of his energy.

He wanted it all to just stop, to give him a break. A forever break.

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