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Jeongin settled down on his desk, sighing heavily as he didn't really get any sleep last night. The school was now opened up for everyone, and it was now time for the people, whose been uo to exam this winter break, to get their break. So Minho was resting at home, leaving Hyunjin alone with Jeongin. The new year had started off pretty calmly, well despite that last day in December, that still made him blush whenever he though about it. He really thanked hisbloucky stars for that day, and night. Cause surely he wouldn't be able to make it through this last year, nor this new year, without the two people that started meaning the world to him.

His father's relationship with him was getting worse though, but he still held onto the fact he would change over time, maybe it was his way of coping, sure not healthy..but if it meant he dealt with everything better, Jeongin was more than willing to be yelled at. But something just told him that wasn't the reason, that something had turned his perspective on the world upside down, and he was continuesly told by Minho, that it's never the responsibility for a child to handle a father like his.

Though he just couldn't help but to think about all the memories they've shared, the ice cream store, family traditions, and they way they played fish together. It just buried a whole in him that he couldn't exactly explain. And he felt oh so guilty for relying on Hyunjin and Minho, knowing that even if they did have something going on together..Jeongin wasn't exactly their responsibility. Sure, they could cheer him up, comfort him, help him out, give a hand he could hold onto. But having to feed him, because he never ate at home, wasn't exact their responsibility, even though they clearly wanted to help the boy out with it..Jeongin just knew that he could do all that himself, if he actually got himself together.

Maybe it was just the extra need of getting held, and Minho and Hyunjin wasn't during anything wrong. They were actually a great help, but Jeongin couldn't help but to feel guilty for accepting that help.

He touched his slightly swollen eyes, sighing as he could feel the pressure of a bruise there. He wasn't going to blame his father, even though it was him who threw that bottle at him yesterday in anger. Though, Jeongin chose to just accept the man's apology. Yes, his father actually apologized. Why? Maybe guilt, they never spoke to each other anymore, so Jeongin was just happy he atleast apologized for throwing the bottle at him, despite leaving Jeongin to go fix it himself.

Jeongin felt fine, he just wasn't really in the mood to talk, and obviously hid his face from everyone. All that mattered to Jeongin was that his father apologised, and he didn't care how sincere it sounded..he was spoken too, and that in general made him emotional.

Sure he was left with a bruise, but if he was honest..he didn't mind getting all bruised up, just for his father to say a word to him again. He felt as if that was the most important thing in the whole world, even though he certainly did not deserve such treatment.

"Hey baby..are you tired?" Hyunjin voice appeared, sitting beside him as the boy hid himself in his arms.

Jeongin knew that if Hyunjin found out, he was certainly neve allowed to enter his apartment again. So he avoided looking at him.

"Hm..I just didn't sleep" Jeongin spoke, closing his eyes to hold back tears.

"Aw baby..did you eat?" Hyunjin asked, trying to check on the younger's condition, but didn't want to cross any line that he had.

"Yes.." he lied, he didn't eat, he couldn't bring himself to it. Especially not after last night, sure his father apologized, but the words stuck to him like glue.

"That's atleast good, you haven't had any arguments with you father have you?" Hyunjin asked, getting more and more personal as time passed by.

Jeongin knew it was to check up on him, but he couldn't help but to feel the urge to lie.

"No, actually not, his been pretty quiet recently..so it's fine".

"How about your eye? Why do you have a bruise?" Hyunjin asked, pointing out the eye, that Jeongin havent even showed him yet.

"How did you-".

"I've stalked you, Jeongin, I even know your social security number. C'mon tell me what happened" Hyunjin spoke, causing Jeongin to shiver.

Sure he was getting used to being with them. But the fact they still stalked him, was always sending shivers down his spine. Other than know, he felt slightly more safe, cause he knew their intention was bad.

"I had an accident at home, I was gonna open a bottle of coke, but the cap jumped in my eye..".

"How's that supposed to create a bruise?" Hyunjin questioned, getting slightly suspicious.

"I don't know..but it hurt like shit, and it even started bleeding, so I had to go take care of it myself..my father wasn't home, so yeah" Jeongin spoke, successfully saving his lie, slightly feeling guilty because he lied to someone, who had such an impression on him.

"As long as that jerk didn't lay his hands on you, then it's fine. Get better soon right?" Hyunjin spoke, smiling a shrug patted the younger's shoulder.

Thst was a close call.

The story's getting slowly interesting👀.

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