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The next morning Jeongin woke up with the two men he loved so much, with their arms wrapped around his body. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, as the blanket covered their naked bodies.

He looked to his side to see Minho stirring in his sleep, while he turned to Hyunjin, who surprisingly was already looking at him.

"Good morning baby" Hyunjin smiled, bringing the boy closer as carefully as possible.

"Good morning..thanks for last night.." Jeongin smiled, remembering the extreme late night, and how affectionate they were being last night.

"Awe baby, thank you. Shall we get you cleaned up?" Hyunjin smiled, looking at Minho who was already asleep.

Jeongin nodded, about to sit up, but let out a whine as a sharp pain went through his body, eyes getting teary as he felt overwhelmed with the amount of pain.

Hyunjin just chuckled with a smile, lifting the boy up in his arms carefully, as if he was a baby, going towards the bathroom, letting the door stay open, so that if Minho woke up, he'd know where they were.

Jeongin bit his lip, eyes watering as everything hurted. His legs were weak and got tired easily, his ass was aching so bad that he could stand for himself, his waist was bruised due to their harsh gribs he enjoyed last night, his torso felt swollen and so did his inner thighs due to the many dark hickeys that littered them. His head was sore from the hair pulling, so technically, the only thing that actually didn't quite hurt, was his arms.

So he hung onto Hyunjin as they showered, feeling his big hands wash his body for him, as he whimpered time to time.

"Are you okay baby?" Hyunjin spoke, looking at him with concern before planting a gentle and quick kiss on his lips.

"Mhm..just sore and numb, it was quite extreme" Jeongin smiled, looking at the taller with a smile as he responded with a soft kiss for him too.

Jeongin got slightly startled as he felt a new pair of cold hands around him, looking behind him to see Minho, whi smiled at him gently..handing the boy another kiss.

After a long shower of soft kisses, soap and water, they finally finished stepping into the bedroom to get some new clothes on. Eyes darting to the bed immediately as it was fully made and the sheets were changed, the window opened as they were engulfed by fresh air.

"Thought I might aswell clean up after our mess" Minho smiled as he looked at Jeongin who sat on his bed with only a pair of boxers on, pouting as he didn't manage to get further dressed.

"Here let me help you baby" Minho smiled, helping him slip on a beige colored sweater, and a pair of comfortable black sweat pants.

"Thank you" He blushed, holding onto Minho for support as he got dressed, smiling in satisfaction while he laid back in bed, to sore and in too much pain to move.

He spend almost the whole day there with them, watching TV in bed, and he qas given some painkillers to gulp down, he loved to cuddle with them, complementing them and praising them for how good they made him feel.

Knowing that they indeed, needed aftercare too.

I'm soft bye-.

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