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Jeongin kept an eye out of the window, eyes glued to the busy streets. Tears spilling as he sniffed, he hated how miserable he felt. He wished he could turn back and deny the offer, but knowing what Minho had told him, he knew it was for the better.

He couldn't always continue to rely on his father. So this was the right choice. He couldn't continue living with him neither neither to the treatment he got. So it really all was for the best.

But he was still happy to be held, Minho had his arms wrapped around him, while Hyunjin drove in silence. Jeongin was slightly overwhelmed by everything, and he was showing it, not afraid to do so knowing he still got the same comfort out of it.

"Aw baby, want ice cream?" Minho mumbled next to his ear, earning soft sob from the younger who looked in his direction, smiling slightly as he nodded.

Ice cream sounded nice, and comforting. And if that made him feel better, then he was ready to bury himself in a bunch of it. It seemed to be the best possible solution to most of his depressing thoughts, and maybe rethink what Minho had told him a bit more.

"It's gonna be the hardest time of your life".

Jeongin memorized those exact words, finding motivation to continue on with the moving. He couldn't just quit and go back. Certainly not after leaving his father without a goodbye or I see you soon, he left, only saying goodbye to his bedroom..it sounded weird, but it did really mean a lot to him.

Never, and with than he means never, have he experienced moving before, that was the very first time. So he was devastated.

But he was more than glad to have the two men by him, even though it made him feel guilty undeniably guilty at times..but maybe he could just learn to live with it? Maybe he could finally enjoy the nice affection given to him without worrying that he was a burden.

Minho just smiled as he caressed Jeongin's thigh, thoughts going ti some nights prior, and how intimate they were. Hiw close their bodies were, the warmth, and the pleasure. All too good ti be true, but it did happen, and Minho wanted to get a taste again. But he let Hyunjin try ti get his I taste first, knowing thst he infact wanted to be buried deep inside of the younger aswell.

"What ice cream do you want baby" Hyunjin asked as he parked the car outside of a convenient store, flashing a smile at the younger.

"Chocolate" Jeongin answered shortly, pouting as ge went to cuddle with Minho again, earning a soft chuckle from Hyunjin.

"Alright, I'll be back in a few" he said, taking his leave to get Jeongin some ice cream from the store, leaving the two boys alone.

They spend the time in silence, sometimes sharing som words here and there, just enjoying the moment.

"When you have a hard time..then please come come either me or Hyunjin, don't go with your thoughts alone baby" Minho spoke, tracing his hands back and forth on his thighs.

They have always been his favorite part, he lived looked at them, being between them, kissing them, and just genuinely holding them with pure love and affection.

"Your never gonna leave my thighs alone are you?" Jeongin questioned with a giggle, ignoring Minho's words since he simply didn't know how to respond.

"It's my favorite part of you baby, of course not" Minhi smiled, kissing his lips so gently making fireworks appear inside of the boy.

"You've already marked them a few days ago, no need to be possessive about them" Jeongin giggled.

That made him think. Hyunjin did mention once that Minho was extremely possessive, not wanting anyone near the boy other than him and Hyunjin. But he honestly never got to experience him being jealous, nor that possessive, probably because he never did speak to anyone.

Was this going to be a problem in the future? How will Minho react if he made a few friends? Will he be mad?

Happy new years.

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