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"Really..even though you find most comfort here Jeongin, you need to get out as soon as possible..neither me and Hyunjin will let you stay in this house, atleast not until your father has apologised and changed himself" Minho spoke, seriousness filling his voice.

"I don't think I'm ready to leave everything behind..I grew up here ever since I was just a little infant, I have happy memories here...I know a lot of bad things has been happening, but I'm seriously not ready to leave everything behind..not my childhood home, nor area, it really is a big step for me to even confess about what was actually happening" Jeongin explained, knowing that deep inside, Minho was right..he should move out.

But he himself remember saying that he will make that decision when his 18, but at this point it didn't really feel like a decision anymore, rather something he needed to do.

"I know..I felt that the same way. It's hard leaving a home, that has been your comfort place for so long. But even if you didn't go through all of this, there is a time, when you become an adult, and need to move out. And I promise you, it's going to be one of the most devastating times of your life. You will feel confused, not knowing what to do with yourself, and just genuinely get a bunch of responsibility on you that no one is ready for, But in the end, you realise that this is a huge part of finally maturing, and you'll realise that you are infact in a much safer enviroment. The start may be rough, but it's surely the best chapter of your life, cause it'll teach you a life long message, that you will have to pass on to other people you cherish" Minho spoke wistfully, smiling softly as he kissed the younger pationately.

Jeongin listened to his words, taking them in an considering them. He knew Minhi was right, and he knew that maybe, just maybe he'll get a better start since he had the men beside him..to hold him through so much pain, he loved that.

"I know..but can we wait till I'm 18? I'm turning soon, so it shouldn't be a problem" Jeongin spoke, looking up at the man who held him tightly.

"Even though I don't feel safe with saying yes..if that's what your most comfortable when, then sure..but please call us if something happens" Minho spoke, as he looked at the boy with worried eyes.

"I promise" Jeongin giggled, ignoring the sound of a door slamming close, as he could only focus on Minho.

But Minho certainly wasn't that satisfied hearing the loud noise fill the apartment, but he held himself together and lifted the boy off of him, about to leave for the door but Jeongin stopped him.

"No need too, he'll fall asleep eventually..let's just cuddle and we can leave afterwards" Jeongin spoke, wanting Minho back in his arms, which he achieved with a cute pout on his face.

I feel like I wrote a bit to much today, because I'm having a bad day. But I'm feeling better after writing a bit :).

Although I had originally planed from the beginning of the book that 69 should be a smutish chapter, I decided to not rush things and go with the flow..Don't worry, I'll promise to write smut sooner or later haha.

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