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The day passed by pretty quickly, and it wasn't as eventful as the night, but that didn't matter. Minho and Hyunjin wasn't really the type to celebrate Christmas, and Jeongin didn't have the guts too. So they settled on watching all the minions movies in a row, cuddling on their couch everyone focusing on the movie. Jeongin couldn't describe how he was oh so happy for them to keep him accompany today, and he smiled brightly just by the thought of it. He knew he could trust them with his heart, wanting to give both pieces to them..but that would be..quite difficult.

Cause he certainly couldn't just rip it out of his chest, and break in two and then going onto handing them to the two men. He felt comfortable with them there. And he didn't want them to leave.

One thing that distracted him from the movie playing, was the thought of them kissing him last night, exactly at 12 am, such a beautiful memory, so unforgettable. He couldn't help but to smile widely, probably looking incredibly insane, but he just couldn't help it.

"What are you smiling so happily about baby?" Hyunjin questioned, stretching his arms before looking back at the adorable boy in his arms.

Jeongin blushed a deep red colour, hiding his face in his hands. He felt humiliated for being so obvious, but he couldn't help it. He felt such an attachment to the two, it was nearly impossible.

"His blushing" Minho commented, sitting up as he rubbed the boy's thigh.

If Jeongin would ever actually think about what the two mens favorite part about him was, he knew Minho's was his thighs..and Hyunjin's his waist. Cause that were they mostly held or touched, and to say, Jeongin loved it.

He loved the warm feeling of their hands on his body, rubbing his thin frame..it was perfect. Their hands were practically made to hold him, touch him, and just overall affection. There was no other way to describe how amazing such hands could feel, he wanted it all to himself.

Hyunjin smiled, getting closer to the boy he held, chucking as he didn't back away. He simply just fluttered his eyes close, wantin to feel the soft lips against his again..he was desperate. So, so desperate, that he couldn't help but to bring his arms around Hyunjin's neck, demanding him to come closer. In which he did cause soon their lips connected into a sweet passionate kiss, filled with emotions that made him feel special. The way their lips moved against each others turning into an unexpected make out.

It was slow and passionate, Hyunjin leading the way and Jeongin drowning in his arms. He couldn't help but to yell as he felt Minho grab his thigh again, seizing it with slight force to get the boy's attention. To which he did.

"I bet your getting so worked up over us, it's quite unbelievable how desperate you are..we love it baby..and we love you too" Minho spoke, now taking his turn to pamper the boy with kisses, being slightly more rough than Hyunjin, but he didn't mind.

Their lips were equally good, equally amazing and equally tasteful.

"It's late baby, let's go to bed, I don't want you to be tired the whole Christmas break" Hyunjin giggled, letting Minho carry the boy upstairs.

What a perfect Christmas.

This was just a filler chapter. Sorry for not posting earlier, I had trouble on filling this chapter out, and today was the big cleaning day, which we have four times a year..and yeah, I wanted mine over a soon as possible.

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