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"Jeongin wake up" Hyunjin whispered softly, shaking the boy, but stopped as he let out painful whine, causing him to be suspicious of something.

He lifted the boy's shirt carefully, exposing nothing, but pure skin. Minho turned around with a frown, looking at Hyunjin who still held the boy's shirt up, still nothing to see as he was in deep thought.

Maybe he was overreacting, but the fact that he whimpered like that when he touched him on his stomach, genuinely confused him.

"Why is he whimpering like that?" Hyunjin asked, concern filling his voice as he looked up at Minho, who came closer to take a look himself.

He touched where Hyunjin pointed, earning a whimper from the boy again, and a louder one once he pressed a bit harder. This caused him to frown, deciding to see if there was another body part of him that seemed to hurt. So he gently touched his waist, not receiving any sound from the boy, but it still wasn't good enough to convince Minho that the boy wasn't in any form of physical pain. So he touched his lower stomach, earning a whine in response, causing Minho to look up at Hyunjin with serious eyes, eventually pulling Jeongin's shirt down.

"Jeongin, wake up" Minho spoke seriously, shaking him softly again, but only got a whine in response and some eyes fluttering open.

As Jeongin opened his eyes, whining as he felt the pain from being shaken awake, he looked up at Minho who rather looked at him with serious and direct eyes, than the loving eyes he was usually met with.

He didn't get the time to process before Minho pressed on his hip again, causing him hiss as he tried to kick him away, but was stopped by Hyunjin, who held his legs tightly.

"Jeongin stop, we know it hurts, can you tell us why?" Hyunjin spoke, trying to make the boy stop kicking.

He had just woken up seconds ago, and he was already being bombarded with questions, on top of being undeniably in much pain, not knowing why all the places he was bruised up, hurt the way it did.

Minho who seemed to have little to practically no patience, stood up leaving the room to go god knows where. While Hyunjin stayed back to comfort him, attempting to hug the boy, but he kept whining like he was dying.

"Jeongin, how long have you been in pain like this?" Hyunjin asked, concerned as to why he couldn't simply hug him without causing the boy pain.

"I don't know" He replied with a whimper.

Yes, he did know what was up, but he couldn't tell the truth it hurt so badly, and being exposed just felt worse. He held Hyunjin's shoulders tightly, digging his nails into them, as tears filled his eyes. He had no idea it would hurt so badly.

"Hey baby, look at me" Hyunjin spoke, wanting the boy to look at him before he continued..which he did, his eyes looked so red and puffy, tears streaming down his face. "Can you please tell me why your hurting..the truth please? I'm tired of you lying to us" Hyunjin spoke, but Jeongin didn't respond he simply just hid his face away, avoiding eye contact.

There was no way he would ever be telling the truth, it just hurt..he was in too much denial to even admit, that what he was doing was actually harming him a lot. The worst of things was that Hyunjin was more than frightened to see the boy like this, crying at the smallest touch, he felt like he was the one causing the younger harm..and that thought made him unbearably mad at himself.

In reality all Jeongin felt at the moment, was the urge to die. He hated feeling so miserable infront of the two men, not knowing what he even got into when he actually dared to continuesly talk to them, knowing that they before all of this, used to follow him around, know his secret information, and where he lived. Was he feeling shame for letting them near him? To let them touch him in way that felt like pure heaven? So what if it felt shameful, he liked it right? He was so confused why he doubted everyone, even himself.

His eyes glued onto the door, watching Minho walk through, a seemingly wet cloth in his hands and some painkillers. This made him even more confused as to what Minho was doing, knowing that Minho was probably the most suspicious of them both, clearly made Jeongin's heart sink.

"Lift his shirt again" Minho ordered Hyunjin, who looked at Jeongin with concerned eyes.

Jeongin on the other hand was starting to panic, eyes darting to everywhere but them. Completely unable to say a single word, as he felt his shirt getting stripped off of his body. Feeling so exposed to them, barely even thinking about that they clearly saw him whole when they had sex together.

Though he still felt so exposed, cold air hitting his cold and pale skin, whimpering as a familiar cold cloth was met with his skin.

Nothing but pure adrenaline went through his body, as he held back cries and whimpers, from the painful strokes of the cloth against his skin..biting his lips to the point they were bleeding.

And yet, to his worst nightmare..it slowly starting to expose a rather big bruise on his waist, heart sinking further and further, as if he felt like he was chased by hungry wolves.

"Please..stop" Jeongin cried out, knowing that they were infact doing it for his own best..but it felt so painful, he couldn't tolerate it.

"Jeongin..please tell us the truth, if this bruise is caused by your father, you really need to tell us" Hyunjin spoke, taking Jeongin's attention away from Minho who was as gently as possible rubbing off more make up.

"I think it's best if it gets rinsed of in the shower, this clearly is causing him to much pain" Minho spoke, standing up shortly afterwards.

Leaving the room without saying a word, making Jeongin slightly afraid..he really hoped they weren't mad at him.

Sorry for late update :(.

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