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Jeongin just stared at the warm bag on his bed, smelling an overwhelming amount of good food, he could smell chicken, noodles, and veggies. But he really didn't have appetite now.

It was funny how hours ago he was so desperate for food, that he searched the whole kitchen through. Now, he just felt like throwing up at the thought of eating something. The diversity hit him, either he was starving and desperate. Or he was starving, but having little to no appetite. And it changed withing seconds.

He knew the food would get thrown up anyways, which would cause him to feel even worse. He badly wanted to eat, he really did. But he just couldn't get himself to it.

"It doesn't have to be for now, okay? Atleast drink some water, I know you don't want to throw it up again..but I promise you, your body will be happy to get some nutrients" Minho spoke, pulling the boy up onto his lap, giving him a gentle and a slow kiss. That he certainly couldn't help but to melt into.

Why whenever he simply thought about being in their arms, he felt disgusted and doubted them..but when he was in fact in their arms, he felt loved and melted like ice cream on a summer day? It confused him, actually a lot of things did.

"Now, want me to with you here for the night or-".

"No it's fine really! No need too, I'll be fine I promise" Jeongin smiled, stopping the older for thinking further, not caring if he came off suspicious.

Minho stared at him in suspicion, even more concerned than before.

"Jeongin, if there is something going on please tell me, me and Hyunjin will definitely help you out if something is in fact going out, that is out of your control" Minho spoke, wanting the boy to be honest with him, but he knew how hard it was to simply do that. So he hoped he could trick it out of the younger, even though he much prefer him to open up properly.

"Minho, I swear..I'm just mentally unstable recently, I'll get better I swear, in just need a little time" Jeongin spoke, hearing his stomach growl at him.

Minho looked at him, then at the bag filled with food, shaking his head as he went to embrace the boy in his arms. Wanting to atkeast cuddle with him. So he put the warm bag on the floor, and continued wrapping the boy up in his arms.

"If that's so, let's atleast cuddle" Minho whispered beside his ear, wanting the smaller boy to come closer.

But something was just off.

The way he already thin waist had gotten smaller and thinner, was something to take notice of. His ribs could definitely be seen in he didn't wear a shirt, his skin colder than usual..he was practically dead. His hands shaking, eyes red and puffy with dark circles underneath, one eye unholy bruised, the other looking dreaded and swollen from crying. His lips were dry, barely even colored, they were swollen and had a cut. Skin even paler and he looked so sick.

There was no wonder why Minho and Hyunjin were seriously concerned for him.

So I promised @selkiestrong to show my drawings, cause they were curious as to whether I drew the covers or not. And no, I find them on pinterest. But I do in fact draw myself. I wanted to find some newer once, but they are in my classroom, which I don't have access to off of school, and I'm not allowed to have a phone in class, nor am I allowed to take my drawing materials outside the classroom for god knows what reasons.

So I waited till I came home to show you, but they are slightly old.

So I waited till I came home to show you, but they are slightly old

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The rest of the drawings I have in the red note pad, is sadly rather personal and more explicit, so I won't be showing them yet :)

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The rest of the drawings I have in the red note pad, is sadly rather personal and more explicit, so I won't be showing them yet :).

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