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The car for quite quiet, Hyunjin tapping the wheel as he thought in peace. Jeongin started panicking, afraid he said something wrong and immediately turned read from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry..i-".

"It's difficult, to say atleast. We can easily share at you since me and Minho had known each other for years, basically growing up to share stuff. But relationship vice..it's quite..weird I think, cause we often have sex together, and participate I other sexual activities..but I simply think that is that. I'm not complaining though, cause I love him, his like a brother to me you know" Hyunjin explained, ending the awkward silence quickly.

"Ah..okay" Jeongin spoke, blush evident on his face.

He didn't expect such an answer. And he definitely couldn't imagine them having sex together, it felt wrong..as in really wrong. They were his stalkers and he was even supposed to befriend them, which he already did, but to imagine them both having sex together, just felt wrong.

"Your blushing" Hyunjin chuckle, causing Jeongin to shake his head.

"Can..can't we just talk about something else?" Jeongin exclaimed, hiding his face in his hands, as Hyunjin chuckled, shaking his head to himself.

They eventually changed subject, switching between talking about emotional topics, and just regular topics, to discussing about whether a straw had one whole, or two holes, or if you had one butt or two butts, but thankfully they both agreed that it was one butt.

Their random conversation eventually got to an end, when Hyunjin stopped the car beside a hill, unbuckling his seat belt before turning to Jeongin.

"Enough of the butt talk. We came in perfect time to watch the sunset" Hyunjin smiled, exiting the car rather quickly. Waiting for Jeongin who couldn't help but to chuckle at the taller enthusiasm.

He got out of the car himself, joining the taller on the ground, watching over the hill.

What made this better, was that the hill didn't give a view to anything spe if other than a field, a plain flower field that was covered in snow. The cool temperature didn't hold the two back from enjoying the nice view, of the sky turning orange, and the sun starting to set.

Jeongin couldn't help, but to be captured by the complete beauty in front of him, never expecting something to be so beautiful, he was in awe.

And Hyunjin took notice of that, smiling to himself as he rather focused on the younger, than the sun that was setting right in front of his eyes.

Sure he loved the sunset, but he loved the smaer much more..and nothing could top the boy's beauty, he looked mesmerizing, so eye catching..such a beautiful sight that was difficult to see up close.

"It's really beautiful, thank you for showing me this-" Jeongin turned around, stopping as he met the taller's eyes immediately.

There was something that made something turn in his stomach, but it wasn't exactly a bad thing. It was a ticklish sensation, his breath getting caught in his throat. The orange of the sky really shined brightly, and made Hyunjin look so much better underneath the orange lighting..he looked like pure art, to his eyes.

He was do caught away from everything, finding it difficult to focus on everything but the taller in front of him.

The silence and the breeze brushing his hair out of his face was calming, Jeongin didn't know what he was feeling..but it was all, so beautiful, amazing and eye catching, it felt so right..Hyunjin managed to make such a tragic day, turn out to be something positive...he definitely appreciated that.

"Thank you" Jeongin whispered, feeling tears brim his eyes.

"For what?".

"I kept pushing you away, even though you always tried to show me the best of everything..I think I was blinded by the fact, that you have been watching me for months, but honestly..I believe that, that showed me how genuine you actually were about me..even if I constantly tried to push you away, you still kept asking if I was okay, if I needed something, like i was your first and most important priority" Jeongin spoke, feeling the tears slip from his eyes, sniffing slightly since his nose started running.

"You are my first and most important priority. When I first saw you, I couldn't help but to feel my heart beat fast..before I always had to listen Minho talk relentlessly about you for hours and hours, even at home. And I finally understood, once I got to see for myself, what kind of beauty that had captured my best friends eyes..and I from that day on, had never seen something so beautiful before" Hyunjin spoke softly, talking smoothly like butter, it was unbelievable.

Jeongin never heard anyone talk to him like that before, and he gotta admit, it was something special..he felt special..but was this okay? He didn't know, and he slowly started to not care.

"You remind me of my mom" Jeongin chuckled, shaking his head as he looked up at the now purple and light blue sky, the orange slowly fading away.

"I do, how?".

"Your so soft yet so...I don't know, responsible, you have this motherly vibe to you..I think that why I genuinely like your company" Jeongin spoke eyes glistening as he looked up to the sky.

"Mommy issues?".

"I don't like calling it that".

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