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It was now late evening, and much less people walked in through the door, mainly business men came inside to get some coffee, but nothing else. Jeongin spend his time learning how to make some basic drinks, good for beginners. He also managed to mop the floor, standing a bit for himself as Felix sorted out some of the containers filled with fruits, cakes, and other types of sweets, in the very back of the storage room.

So there wasn't really much to say nor really do anymore, so he sat back down at one of the tables, watching as Felix ran to the other side of the cafè with a box in his hand, flashing Jeongin a smile on the way.

The sun had already set, and it was pretty late already, and he was pretty tired, but something about Felix's smile and energy made him energetic too, and he seriously appreciated the boy's effort in making him just simply smile.

The way he kept fooling around, putting on music and danced like no one was around, made Jeongin smile brightly, he was so shameless, confident and energetic

No wonder why he was so popular among other people, his smile really brought out pure happiness, it was practically ally radiating off of him.

Jeongin could only admire him, smiling and laughing along with him. He has always wondered how somebody could be so free spirited, he seemed to do whatever he pleases, and really, Jeongin had respect for that.

"We're closing in ten" Felix spoke, finally done having his own full on concert in the cafè..infront of Jeongin.

As if on cue, they both hurried to go behind the counter and set most of the stuff away. Putting cakes in the fridge, cups being stacked, and plates being sat on place. They put the chairs on the tables, and closed most of the lights except for the one near to end of the room.

Why? Well they simply planned to stay a bit longer, talking a bit more and getting to know each other a bit. Which meant Jeongin had to call Hyunjin telling him he would come home later than thought.

"So you still attend school right?" Felix asked, sitting down in front of Jeongin.

"Mhm..I'm gonna graduate around the end of the year" Jeongin responded, not really exciting for what to come later on this new year.

"What about after school..any colleges or?".

"I don't know..I think I wanna settled down for awhile..I've chosen to just have a simple job, I don't need to rich to be successful" Jeongin smiled as he remembered Minho's words, knowing that he'll think about for a long time after graduating.

"Ah, so your not interested in like becoming a well known business man, or a famous idol, you wanna work with coffee and cakes for the rest of your life" Felix joked, adding a pure laugh on top of it.

"Yep exactly".

Jeongin really liked this guy. He was definitely comfortable to be around, he didn't seem too pushy nor generally annoying. But he was good at asking questions and carry in the conversation, he definitely was the smooth talker.

"How about love...I mean we're both still young but, some people finds the charm quicker than anyone else" He asked yet another question, easily jumping from one subject to the other.

"Uh..I don't know many people actually, but yeah..I do have a love interest" Jeongin spoke, feeling guilty for describing his twonlovers as an love interest.

He knew they were much more than that, and he sincerely loved them..but he couldn't help, but to feel nervous talking about it with Felix.

Yes, he may be comfortable around them..but he surely didn't know how to tell him he haf two lovers at once, he was afraid Felix would find him weird.

"Ah, okay..I'm excited to perhaps hear about it one day!" Felix spike, giving him a bright smile as they continued speaking with one another.

Not caring about time, Jeongin had barely realized it was almost 12 am.

I feel like shit so yeah.

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