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"Hey my son, are you okay? Ever since you got home you've been in your room" his father spoke, taking notice to his son's unusual behaviour.

Usually Jeongin would come out and be willing to help his father with chores, but today he stayed isolated on his room. Not that his father minded it, cause he surely understood his son needed space. But his father instincts were kicking in.

Jeongin on the other hand was thinking deeply about how he was related to something the two men owned, it really confused him, and he couldn't put a finger on it. The even more frustrating part was that he didn't know whether he should tell his father just yet, since he himself decided to not report them yet, to the police.

"I'm just tired, I'm sorry" Jeongin responded giving a faint smile to his father.

"Jeongin..it's okay to share out some of your feelings..but I'll give you time till your ready, okay? But please tell me if I can help you feel better..maybe take your mind off of some things for awhile" his father spoke, helping him trying to feel better.

Jeongin genuinely didn't know what to do without his father, he was always there..that he often wondered how his father felt.

"Can we go out and get some ice cream?" Jeongin asked, sitting up on his bed, which made a smile appear on his father's lips.

"Like the good old days".

With the new plan on going for ice cream. His father left the room to give Jeongin time and space to change, eventually getting ready himself. Jeongin couldn't but to smile, completely forgetting about everything that happened today. Which was a form of relievement for the small boy, who definitely needed it.

His went out to see his father grabbing his wallet, eventually sending off a smile to his son as they made their way out of the apartment complex, having a deep conversation about his day.

"I don't know..it was just weird, I keep feeling like someone's watching me, and i don't know what to do about it" Jeongin shared with a shaky breath, but avoided telling his father about the two men..not feeling ready to explain that yet.

"Jeongin, you need to take this more seriously. If you are in fact getting stalked, then we need the police in over this situation" his father stated, looking at his son with a worried gaze.

"I want to wait..I don't feel comfortable making moves right now, especially not after what happened at the convenient store..I need time" Jeongin explained, warning a nod from his father.

"Whatever makes you comfortable".

They continued walking down the street, eventually reaching the ice cream shop. His father opened the door, letting the smaller walk on first, before walking in himself.

They were immediately welcomed with the sweet aroma of chocolate and vanilla mixed together, causing Jeongin to practically drool over just the smell. He was definitely now fully distracted from everything going on, his mind focusing on the piece of dessert that he couldn't wait, but to taste.

He looked over the flavors, deciding on a classic chocolate, with vanilla, staying to the basic side.

Once they got their ice cream, they took a seat a bit far in the back. The most sat by the warm windows, so there area was pretty much empty and quiet, but neither of them complained.

"No, cause when you were little, you loved taking mom to the ice cream store practically everyday, that we needed to get you to stop eating so much ice cream" his father laughed, as he took a bite of his ice cream.

Jeongin remembered that day like it was yesterday, how he started crying over not getting his daily dose of chocolate ice cream.

"You shouldn't talk..remember when mom found fastfood wrappings in your car" Jeongin got back, earning a chuckled from his father.

"Yeah and I slept on that hard couch for a whole week, i had to buy a new and softer one".

They continued sharing stories from when Jeongin was only a little kid, laughing and smiling, just simply enjoying each others presence.

Though, that piece of happiness didn't seem to last, since he got distracted by the bell that indicated a new costumer. It made himself look in that direction, eventually making eye contact with non other than Hyunjin, causing him to shift in his seat.

"Arr you okay?" His father asked.

"Yeah..just can't help but to think about mom" He lied.

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