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"Shit-..I'm so sorry...I didn't look were I went, sorry I'm such an idiot" Jeongin started practically panicking, hoping he could fix that mistake of his.

Great..he couldn't even get a proper break in a fucking convenient store. His headache started to worsen, due to the lighting and the amount of noise and panic. He really frlt dumb, like, extremely dumb.

"L-let me buy you a new one-".

Jeongin was so busy in his own world, not really paying attention to the man, other than grabbing a few napkins in attempt to help him get it off his shirt, and off the floor.

He really just wanted a proper break. He was constantly getting stressed, and it really effected his physical health to the point, he looked like he was practically dying...maybe he was actually dying..but that would be a good thing, in his eyes.

"Baby..calm down" the sudden voice and words startled him. Causing him to jump in surprise, as he hesitantly looked up at the chuckling man. A frown visible on his face as they shared eye contact.

Fuck...that was all he could think of, He wanted to badly hit his head against a wall. Just as he thought his days couldn't get worse..he encountered him. He still remember last time they saw each other..and how he yelled and screamed at him, after basically having enough of that stalking shit.

"W-what?..i-i, thought" Jeongin couldn't help but to stutter in surprise, backing away slightly.

"You thought we'll stop stalking you after last time? Baby, even if you killed someone, you wouldn't get rid of us" Minho smirked, approaching him and wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

Jeongin was beyond confused. They never came when his father left, not even to check up on him. He wasn't mad, just simply confused. He wanted to know what happened, since they actually left him alone for awhile.

"But you never came inside-".

"Because Hyunjin got sick..I had to switch between watching over him and keeping an eye on you" Minho shared, now bringing the boy out of the convenient store.

"Oh..I mean..it is the middle of winter" Jeongin spoke, fiddling with his hands as he felt the cold breeze touch his skin slightly..causing him to shiver.

The sun had gotten down early. Stars on full display over the city, christmas lights from stores and houses shining like a million stars.

Why was it so warm in December..but oh so cold in January?

"You know..he didn't really want to enter your house, even if your father wasn't there..he actually waited outside for four days..wearing a stupidly thin coat, I eventually had to tell him to stop, cause he was getting seriously sick. But his fine now" Minho explained. Catching the attention of the smaller.

Even if Jeongin didn't care to ask how Hyunjin felt, it was still very nice to know that he was in fact doing fine. especially because he did actually yell at them, before storming out of their house.

"But enough about him..how have you been? It's one of the few times you actually left the house..to get painkillers?" Minho asked, holding the box of painkillers Jeongin had dropped in the store.

"I..uhmm..I've been fine..I have just been at home due to my mother's..sickness...but uh, she's feeling better..and my father is just working over time..he is fine" Jeongin lied, not wanting to go into detail about all his issues at the moment.

It's been such rough months, that everything eventually started effecting him for real..and he really couldn't bare the sudden mental exhaustion..it made him sick.

"You know..you're not a good liar..we are very well aware of your mother's condition, Hyunjin states he could hear yelling from your apartment too..he was worried if you were okay..why do you actually need painkillers?" Minho spoke, glancing at the boy with a suspicious look.

Jeongin fiddled with his hands even more, figuring out it wouldn't be to any use to continue lying..maybe actually telling the truth about how he felt..would help him feel at ease with everything going on..but he didn't exactly expect his stalkers to be the one he'd run too, especially considering the fact he had thought about reporting them multiple times..among himself for never getting it done.

"It's just..these days has been quite hectic..uh, I've been throwing up and having constant headaches..so yeah. I ran out of painkillers the other day, so I went to pick some up" Jeongin spoke awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Why didn't you just ask your father..he is usually more than happy to help you..it's not safe to leave your house when your sick and weak..not to mention, stick thin" Minho commented, now glaring at the smaller a bit.

"My father..he is..".

Almost a hundred views- yay I'm excited! I didn't expect this book to go to well..but uh, yeah, it did haha.

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