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Jeongin sat quietly up against the wall in his class. The class was out on a break so he chose to sit against the wall, drawing in his big note pad, music in his ears as he blocked out everyone. The lines on the paper, created what seemed like a beautiful and innocent masterpiece. Despite the drawing being the complete opposite. It represented how people judged a book by it's cover.

Though, as he sat, sketching something. He could feel a pair of eyes on him, which didn't go away. He wondered how long this was going to continue, but he started learning how to ignore it. Despite that being relatively difficult.

Eventually he looked up in the direction he felt the staring coming from, spotting a familiar brown haired male who sat in the other side of the class, still looking at him. They kept eye contact with each other, causing Jeongin to frown as he watched the other male. He didn't knownwhonhe was, and barely interacted with him, it was confusing.

The male sat together with another person, speaking to while they held eye contact. That cause the other male to look up, catching Jeongin's eye too.

Everything pounded in his head. First of all, who were they? Second of all, why did they continously keep an eye on him, it made him uncomfortable.

Panic rose inside of him when the taller one stood up, walking in his directions causing Jeongin to tense up as he thought of ways to get out of the now incoming conversation, between him and a creepy dude.

His steps were slow, but it didn't take long to approach him due to his long legs, that managed to take longer steps. It wasn't until the male stood in front of him, gazing down at him, that he regretted even looking at them. But then again, he was just curious, why did the male have to approach him? This was beyond frustrating for him, but he managed to keep himself composed, as he looked back up at him.

Watching the smirk form it's way on the males face, as he crouched down to his level. Was sickening, he didn't like it..but at the same time, he couldn't help his curious mind.

"Who are you?" Jeongin decided to started, watching the male respond with a chuckled, before clearing his throat.

"And that's important?" He raised a brow.

Jeongin titled his head in confusion, it was a typical question, why such a response.

"Well..you keep staring, and for some reason you are all the places I go...so I believe I have the right to know whose watching me all the time" Jeongin responded, now crossing his arms against his chest.

"Hwang Hyunjin" the male, aka Hyunjin announced.

Jeongin took the time to process the name, trying to figure out why he was being watched by the latter, and possibly the other too.

"Did you just admit..that you are in fact stalking me?".

That was beyond fucked up, what was he supposed to do? Contacting the police would sure be a good idea..but he wanted to know why he was being stalked.

"Mhm.." the male replied with a hum and a nod, taking more time to analyze his features.

"Why?" Jeongin asked, having little to no idea why he held a conversation with the clearly taller, creep.

"To make sure that no one lays a hand on what's ours" another voice appeared from behind Hyunjin, causing Jeongin to look up with a frown.

There stood a male around bos own height, arms crossed over his chest, as he stared him down.

It was no lie that he was beyond more intimidating than Hyunjin, his sharp features standing prominently out on his face..and he clearly used that too come off as intimidating.


A teacher just called me dumb :/ I did nothing. The worst was be was the one wanting to look in my book without consent, even if i told him no, he didn't listen.

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