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His breath hitched as the elevator stopped on the 12th floor of the hospital, Jeongin mentally preparing himself. He wasn't ready, but it was now or never. And if he had a choice, he had to listen to what Minho said earlier, and that was now. Maybe his mother did fill a lot, cause she surely had been a big part of his life..well until a year ago.

They have already checked in, and was given the room number..he was so nervous, adrenaline running through his body. Holding the beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands, as he clenched his eyes closed.

His behaviour didn't go unnoticed by the two men, but they agreed to let the boy be at peace, to take his time to go inside the room, that his other was laying in.

And thankfully, that's what he did when he got there, stopping in front of the door with the big number written on it, 476. Last time he saw that number was that time his mother got I to the accident, and immediately moved up there..nothing else seem to get in his head. But he eventually opened the door, letting the different atmosphere engulf him, looking back at the two men for reassurance.

"Go..we'll wait here, take your time" Hyunjin spoke quietly, pushing the boy a bit, before the door closed in front of their faces.

Jeongin breathed in, taking slow steps towards the bed beside the window, listening to the slow beeping in the background. He felt his heart sink as he saw the female, laying there, seemingly sleeping sound fully.

Tears brimmed his eyes, watching her chest rise and fall slowly. He didn't know what to say, nor do, he just stared, teads now steaming down his face.

When he looked around the room, his heart clenched..not a single flower, picture or a form of gift. Just the sound of slow beeping and his mother lashing unconscious in her dead bed. It hurt to see that no one a tually visited her..or atleast bought her gift..and the fact that he was about to do the same thing, was even more painful to bear.

"I'm sorry" he whispered beneath his breath, eventually picking out the most prettiest flower of the bouquet, and placing it in her hand that rested on her stomach.

He sat down on a blue chair, putting down the flowers on the bedside table. Looking at the woman in front of him. He was beyond happy he got to do this, and that Minho convinced him to go. Let alone let him stay in the room alone aswell, he appreciated that. And he knew nothing else, but to feel extremely thankful for it.

He found himself sitting in there for hours, eventually telling her about his days. He is sure he sounded crazy for talking to a sleeping person, but he didn't care. He was there to enjoy what was probably her last moments alive, and he wanted to be there for her. He held her hand tightly, not feeling like leaving it alone for once.

He shared stories from when he was little, laughing at them himself, tears falling as he tried to remain composed..but he just couldn't help. Sure his mother wouldn't want him to cry like that, but she probably understood that he needed to do so..and he crying beside her, while holding her hand, she probably preffere it that way.

With giving one last kiss to her forehead, he stood up. Taking some time to eventually calm down, in the meantime he opened the window, writing a note telling the staff to not close it..so that when she passes away, her should wouldn't be stuck in that boring hospital room, bed, and overall place..he left it open so her soul could fly out, in the wild, going places that probably only awaited him, years from now.

"Goodbye mom, it was nice knowing you, and having you around..let's not see each other soon, but I hope, you'll watch over me with a beautiful smile..i love you, thank you for fighting so hard and staying while you could".

This was so hard to write and so sad..bye. I did this with my grandfather too when he passed, so thought it would fit perfectly for this scene.

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