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Jeongin was behind the counter, making some orders that he had learned awhile ago, happy he felt way better this time.

It's been approximately a month since the incident, and since then he had worked rather calmly. He was taught how to make coffee, so that he would have to socialize less with people. Felix meant that should help him overcome the memorable event that happened.

And he was right, ir helped him. He liked to stand for himself a bit more, while Felix did most of the talking. He was happy that Felix actually helped him, instead of practically bugging him. It made work so much easier to cope with along with school, knowing that the boy definitely was stressed due to having to switch between two places at once.

He also knew it was hard cause he had to move out so suddenly, so that qlso affected his situation in general.

But either way, Jeongin appreciated the very few people he had around him.

"Hey baby" he hear a small whisper from behind, immediately recognizing his voice, and turning to look at the person.

"Minho" Jeongin smiled, turning to hug the sweet man, giving him a soft kiss.

"I see your working hard baby, how are you?" Minho asked, caressing his cheek softly, as the other hand held his waist to bring him closer.

Jeongin smiled, happy to have such caring men in his life.

"I'm fine, it's been a calm day" Jeongin smiled, pulling Minho closer for a hug again.

After the sudden anxiety attack, both Hyunjin and Minho checked up on him, from time to time while he was at work. All to make sure he was indeed okay.

And Jeongin appreciated that  a lot. Feeling a familiar feeling of warmth radiate around his body, as he pulled Minho impossible closer, smiling brightly.

"That good baby..I there anything you need?" Minho questioned, looking down at the younger with hearts in his eyes.

"A kiss" Jeongin pouted, wanting a kiss from his lover, wondering where Hyunjin was.

Minho chuckled, as he kissed him softly, hand on his waist to bring him closer. The kiss lit fireworks in his body, as he felt dazed in the older's arms. Hands in his chest as he didn't want the moment to end, but they were in public, so the kiss of course eventually wanted rather quickly for both their likings.

"Where is Hyunjin?" Jeongin asked, looking up at Minho who still held him on his arms.

"At work, he had some projects to work on so he'd come late home" Minho responded. "Talking about home, I have to go now baby, call me if you keep anything. Alright?" Minho spoke with a smile, giving the younger one last peck, before going away.

"I love you" Jeongin yelled, not flung shameless at all, since there was practically no one in the cafè at the moment, and Fekux didn't seem to mind them being too affectionate.

As Minho left, Jeongin turned to Felix with a smile, handing the boy the cup of latte he made just before Minho came, smiling as he got an approved nod from the latter.

A really bad filling chapter, but yeah.

I don't know if I can continue updating for awhile. I'm currently hospitalized at psychward, and had to be driven by an ambulance yesterday during the late evening to night, so I'm pretty tired and exhausted..sorry for the inconvenience.

Also thanks for 800 views in advance.

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