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Jeongin looked around his surroundings, taking in the nice smell of winter, zipping up his jacket to not catch a cold. Arms immediately hugging his body as he let the cold breeze hit his pale skin, eyes big as he took all the surroundings in.

He looked at Minho who came to stand beside him, holding his hand in his warm hand, as he continued to walk with the boy down the path of snow.

Jeongin was beyond mesmerized by the beauty of this place, how the snow piled up perfectly, with no footprints imprinted on the nice layer of snow, making it perfect to crash himself into, but resisted that urge since he knew the possible effects of doing so. So he instead took in the nice view around him, curious as to why he never spotted, not even a single person.

"This place I beautiful, how come no one be here?" Jeongin asked, eyes darting to every single tree that was covered with snow.

"Well, this area is not that far from where I grew up..I used to run to this place when things wasn't going to well, theres a nearby neighborhood, where I lived. I'm still surprised how no one has found this place" Minho spoke, walking down a specific path that made many memories fill his mind.

Like the time he ran away from home for days, hiding during the summer in one of the old tree houses located somewhere here.

"Are you okay with being here? Like doesn't it bring back bad memories?" Jeongin asked, taking Minho out of his little trance.

"No..I've learned to despise the people who did it to me, I don't want to look at the world in a negative aspect just because someone has been treating me bad for years. No matter how much I used to come here crying my heart out, it still doesn't change the fact that this was my comfort place" Minho smiled, looking at the beautiful human being beside him.

Jeongin listened well, taking each word he said as a reminder to not despise certain things just because of his trauma. Even though it would bring bad memories, he should learn to accept that the world wasn't only filled woth bad people.

"Ah, you seem to learn well from your past".

"I don't want it to have a negative effect on my life" Minho smiled, wrapping his arm around his shoulder to bring the boy closer.

Jeongin smiled, letting Minho lead the way God knows where, enjoying the time with the older beside him, leaning into his touches like they were the lasts he'd receive, Even though there's only many more to come.

After walking for awhile, suddenly a line of houses started to appear, causing Jeongin to frown, remember that Minho brought up a nearby neighborhood he used to live in..was Minho going to the him to his childhood home?

Did he mean so much to him that he was willing to show him?

Jeongin kept quiet, entering the neighborhood in silence, as they starting walking down the pavement, past the many houses aligned.

"Further down the streets is my old home..everyone moved out, so some completely new strangers had moved in. I often take small walks here to fill in my thoughts, or to let some out..you know trying to replace them with some of the small amount of childhood memories I actually have" Minho spoke, smiling as more thoughts hit him.

Sure he may have lived through he'll as a kid, but he still had a lovely brother he cared about, they may not be in contact now, but the memories really filled up, and he couldn't hold himself from smiling.

"During winter, we used to throw snowballs at each other here, rubbing down screaming and yelling but in a good way" Minho smiled, in his own little world admiring the nature of this place.

"Do you miss him?" Jeongin asked, suddenly getting reminded of his own mother, which made him for once smile..instead of tear up.

Maybe Minho's words had a good affect on him.

"I do..we didn't hold contact after we both moved out around the same time. Leaving our aunt with our parents. Sometimes I wished I could just call him, and ask if he wants to meet up, but I don't ha e any form of connection towards him anymore..but it's fine, if I really never can get in contact with him, then maybe we aren't meant to be talking, even though I'm sure we could talk for hours about everything" Minho spoke, cheeks red from the cold as he sniffed a bit.

Jeongin listened, smiling as he could figure a second Minho, maybe a bit more of a trouble maker, more social perhaps, taller? It made him smile genuinely, closing his eyes for a moment.

Well until they both stopped moving, causing him to quickly open his eyes in curiosity. Immediately being met with a big house. Wood painted a sage green color, the number 325 beside the door, in a nice bronze color.

Jeongin could barely even imagine that Minho once lived in this house, having to go through hits and kicks everyday..the house looked way to nice to have been containing such memories.

"This is it" Minho breathed in,  taking in all of the details of the house. "Nothing changed..that window up there..used to be my old bedroom".

Minho pointed at a window in the second floor, to the left. Jeongin listening closely as Minho spoke, remembering each word he shared in his child hood stories.

"As I said, new people are living here..I hope they can create some good memories between those walls..maybe making the house happy to contain happy moment for once" Minho giggled, holding Jeongin's hands again as they turned around to walk back to where they came from.

Jeongin just smiled, looking at Minho fondly, appreciating that Minho was willing to show him such a big part of himself, it meant a lot to him. So Jeongin to a note to thank Minho later when they reached the car. As for now, they could enjoy the rest of the walk in some loving silence.

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