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It's been a solid 6 days, of living in pure torture with his father. After Minho and Hyunjin had found out the truth, they've spend mote time on texting him, calling him, and just being around him in general. They helped the younger plan out the moving, and even searched for a job the younger could get, so he could get his life back together. But of course his father had to notice his suspicious behaviour, starting asking into who the black car belonged to that Jeongin always went with, or interrupting him on the phone, asking into who he texting with. He even used aggressive behaviour into forcing Jeongin to tell him. But Jeongin wasn't able to spill any words to him, knowing it'll be best if he told him later on.

After all, his father should have no responsibility over him after he turned 18, cause then he was an adult that could make his own decisions. And considering the fact that his 18th birthday was just a matter of time away, said a lot.

Though his father's abusive behaviour never changed, Jeongin was still hit with a bunch of bitterness of each day passing, knowing that he'll eventually have to leave the house, on his own birthday. It was he'll too difficult for him to maintain, but he knew that it was for the best.

And just like what Minho said, it was gonna be the time of his life where he'd feel the most miserable feelings and emotions, he would feel bad and guilty, but in the end it will all be worth it. And that's what counted.

Having to take extreme steps to win over the monster he had let control him, day and night, mood to mood. It all depended on having the right motivation, and Jeongin have slowly been building up the mental strength, to finally be able to actually take that big step in life, and move on from every bad thing last year had brought him, and look at the fresh new start.

To have this cold and endless winter to end, was a wish being granted, he couldn't wait for spring to come so he could finally bloom. Hoping that, that would be the days of his mental glow up.

But for now, he had to accept to endure the pain first, to accept that he'll probably run out of tears, his heart sinking deeper into the darkness, but eventually bloom once the sun would shine on him.

He couldn't wait till the day came, where he didn't have to listen to his father's degrading words, nor feel the painful hits, kicks and punches getting thrown at him. His been through far to much, and he appreciated how Minho and Hyunjin stuck by his side from day one.

Yes maybe this was probably the most euphoric and bittersweet moment of life, but honestly..he'll look back at these days, and say to himself. Man, I'm haply I did that.

And he couldn't wait for that day to come. He was filled with anticipation, both good and bad.

A little filler chapter hehe.

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