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This was something Jeongin could never imagine happening, but it happened. He sat with Hyunjin on the hill, close to him due to the cold weather, looking up at the completely dark sky, stars evident and prominent tonight. Jeongin was feeling such a form of relievement, and he was happy that Hyunjin could take his mind off of this past month hectic days.

Before when he needed a break, he thought if would be best to be alone with his thoughts, or maybe even sleep through his problems. But he had never knew, how much relying on someone, just for a minute or two, could actually feel like a year's break. He felt happy and comforted in the taller's arms, slowly engulfing himself in his intoxicating smell. He never realised this was going to happen, nor did he expect it to happen. But did he complain? A absolutely not. And he certainly didn't want to be in denial, so he would lie if he said he didn't enjoy the taller's presence.

Maybe they weren't that bad after all. Sure there was some..cons to this, but nothing that was exactly serious in his eyes. Jeongin was happy he even had someone to lean on.

Which reminded him. He haven't seen his father in quite some time..it worried him, especially his past arguments with him. He knew the man was mourning, but he was coping the wrong way..but he was also staying unbelievably stubborn, Jeongin didn't know what to do.

He clearly tense in Hyunjin's arms, whichade the taller react almost immediately, bringing his arms around the smaer thin frame, carefully hugging him from behind,his head resting on his shoulder.

This was nice..too nice.

"You tensed up..are you okay?" Hyunjin asked, voice filled with worry.

Jeongin felt all sorts of emotions, he felt so foreign trying to understand his own body, that he wasn't able to verbally reply. He could only lean in further in the man's arms, closing his eyes as he felt warmth engulf his body, eventually comforting himself in Hyunjin's arms.

What was that all about?

He didn't know. And it confuse him a lot. He wanted to understand himself but he just couldn't.

When did he become so lost and found in Hyunjin.

"Baby.." Hyunjin called softly, running his hands through the boy's hair, in attempt to get his attention.

That nickname..it was something so common to say..but felt so special. Everything felt overwhelming, if was so odd.

"Come here" Hyunjin said, adjusting the boy in his arms to face him, arms immediately going from holding his waist firmly, to having the boy wrapped up on his eyes.

And Hyunjin? He didn't know what happened, but he let the boy cry out. He assumed that was all he needed, so he let him be.

"It's okay..wanna go home soon..pretty sure Minho is gonna kill me if you catch a cold" Hyunjin chuckled, earning a small chuckle from Jeongin aswell.

"Can you drive me home..and stay there?" Jeongin asked, not feeling ready to be left alone just yet.

"But your father-".

"Let him be, he is barely home anymore anyways" Jeongin explained, getting teary again at the thought.

Hyunjin could only notice that, grabbing the boy's face before he could lower it.

"Jeongin is there something you wanna tell me?".

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