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"Mom, dad..what are you doing here?" Hyunjin spoke, not expecting such a sight on a random day, no calls, nor messages..they just decided to come uninvited, despite him already telling them to atleast tell him when they came around.

Last time they visited was over 6 months ago, announcing their moving from Korea, to England. And they haven't been holding contact since, Hyunjin was an adult, now 19, so he of course could live along. But them appearing out of nowhere, confused him.

"Hi Mrs. and Mr.Hwang" Minho appeared from behind, smiling as he went to stand beside Hyunjin in front of them.

They loved to be treated like they were something, they were quite the thing actually. Which was why neither Minho nor Hyunjin ever mentioned them, atleast not to Jeongin, not because they certainly planned on never telling him, they just didn't really think of bringing them up, since they barely crossed their minds.

"We came to visit our son! Don't worry, we already booked a hotel in centrum, so we won't be spending time here" Mrs.Hwang spoke, stepping inside without permission.

Minho always wondered how Hyunjin managed to once lice with them, they were demanding and privacy invading, thinking they were always the most valid people in the room. Just a bunch of selfish parents, that means that their kids should be something special when growing up.

And to that, they weren't the fan of the lgbtq+ community. Hyunjin once attempted in coming out, but seeing the reaction he got from his parents, he just said it was a stupid dare his friends gave him. That was one thing that broke Minho's heart, how the taller couldn't be himself around them. That included no kisses, hugs, sex, nor cuddles while they visited. And that qas also the final explanation behind why he had to hide Jeongin away.

And just at the thought of the younger, they heard a sound like a crash from upstairs, Minho holding his breath for a second.

"Got animals in this house? Honey you know we hate animals" His father spoke, turning to his son.

"No, uh actually it's a new roommate of ours, his quite clumsy and quiet in general" Minho spoke over, giving his best reassuring smile to the tallers parents.

"May we perhaps meet the boy? Man?" Mrs.Hwang asked, and Minho felt his blood run a bit cold.

"Yes..of course, his quite shy and anxious, so I'm just going to talk with him" Minho spoke, immediately taking his leave as he was genuinely worried about Jeongin.

He was never going to forgive himself if the boy got hurt, so he felt adrenaline run through his body as he went up the stairs and towards his door.

He opened it without know, gaze falling on to Jeongin who seemed to be cleaning up a broken bowl with some fruits, pursing his lips together in regret of making so much noise.

"Hey baby, careful..I have quite an explanation okay, but please don't be offended alright?" Minho spoke, closing the door behind him, as he lifted Jeongin away from the broken porcelain.

Jeongin just looked at him with a nod, holding onto hid lover before being placed down on the bed, while he stood between Jeongin's legs.

"Okay so. The people at the door is Hyunjin's parents, and they are quite the things..it's really hard to explain how they are when you haven't met them, but I certainly do not like them, and Hyunjin is often really unsatisfied with their words. So please do not take this the wrong way when I ask you this.." Minho trailed off, hating how he had to ask Jeongin for the most stupidest thing, knowing he could be straight up honest with Hyunjin's parents.

But if he were honest with them, it would effect Hyunjin's future career, life, and their relationship, so he really didn't want to be the reason behind Hyunjin's failure.

"Please pretend that you are a roommate that move in last week" his spoke without a single breath, already feeling what Jeongin felt.

Jeongin could hear his own heart shatter at the thought of being just a roommate, especially considering last night..he didn't like that..he wanted to know why first, before he would spare an understanding.

"What? Please explain better?" Jeongin asked, eyes filled with shock, but managed to speak beyond it.

"His parents are really, like really powerful people, and they are heavily against lgbtq+, if they find out the truth, it could ruin Hyunjin's future career and life with us in general..they have such a huge impact on people, and I don't want the truth to be the reason of Hyunjin's failure, I love him to much.." Minho practically begged, watching how Jeongin's eyes turned from shock and confused, to concerned and worried.

"I..understand" Jeongin mumbled, looking down at his own hands. He never saw Minho panic like this, so he must be telling the truth.


"But promise me you don't see me as just a roommate" Jeongin looked up, eyes big as he swore he could carry hearts in them.

"Baby, never, I promise we have avoided contact with them for so long..they just decided to show up. Your our world, you mean everything to us" Minho spoke, kissing the boy softly.

"Okay...but one more question?".


This has been something Jeongin has been wanting to ask, not knowing if it was an appropriate time to do so.

"Do you like Hyunjin?".

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