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Jeongin left the small apartment complex with some cash in his hands, happy and relaxed that he got to spend time with his father. Sure they spend lots of time together, but every single time spend with him, was special. He walked around the corner, spotting the convenient store a few blocks ahead.

The evening was quite chilly, so going outside around this time of the day, wasn't for most people. Around this time of year, most people preferred staying inside in the warmth, close to each other as they shared the happiness of being a family. Jeongin loved this time of year, mainly because new years came around the corner. He always got excited to see what the new years awaits him. The only bad thing about new years this time, was not being able to spend it with his whole family together..sadly that just wasn't possible, but of course he still sent a bunch of happy new years to her.

He entered the store, letting the warmth engulf his body as he looked around, going towards the snack aisle. He picked out some bags of chips, one sour cream and onions, while others being classic potato chips. He glanced over at the bags filled with candy, picking one specific one out to put in the cart. He took his time to look through various of items there aswell, seeing if there would be something that would catch his eye.

But talking about catching his eye. When he went to turn around the corner, he eventually made eye contact with a familiar person. That cause him to frown, it was the third time encountering them, but he didn't want to judge nor say it was odd, cause coincidences can happen. But he still felt an eerie feeling, but shrugged it off as he finished shopping.

Though, he could still feel a pair of heavy eyes on him, making him sort of uncomfortable. He didn't really know if he felt safe, or if he was just purely overreacting, and that it was just his anxiety going off. His instincts couldn't always be right, so he really didn't want to think much about it..though the staring was intense, he felt like he was on fire, he really had no idea what was happening, nor why someone would stare so much.

He looked back, seeing that the two boys were now gone, making him feel relieved. But he could still feel the pair of eyes on him, he felt like he was being practically eaten up by the said pair eyes. It made him so uncomfortable, that he had nothing else to do but to ask his father to go and get him. He paid for the stuff as he continued to wait for his father, feeling a bit more relieved that his father was on his way. He was so frustrated and confused over feeling such ways, he felt unsafe, and scared..but of what? He looked back at the staff behind the register, they still stood with their back to him, and he still felt a pair of eyes on him. It really creeped him out.

Jeongin fiddled with his already sweaty hands, clearly anxious as he waited for his father to arrive patiently. Though he couldn't help but to feel his breath lick up rather quickly, as he tried to stay put ad much as possible. He chose to sit down, to eventually calm his breathing down aswell. His mind was starting to feel like a storm, pure chaos was going on inside, he had no idea how long he had waited anymore, it could be five minutes..or it could be an hour. But he slowly lost track of time, feeling the panic inside of him build up.

He couldn't help but to jump, once he felt a hand touch his shoulder letting out a shriek of surprised as he looked up on terror. He started crying, feeling the person pull him into a hug, drawing circles on his back.

"It's okay Jeongin, I'm here..let's get you home, you can tell me all about it once you calm down" his father spoke, holding onto his son protectively.

Jeongin felt well protected in his father embrace, having to sit a few more minutes before being able to walk to the car. This usually never happened, but he was happy he got to feel safe again, even though, he would probably still be shaken up for awhile.

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