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Jeongin's eyes fluttered open, feeling a pair of arms around him, but someone was missing. And that was Hyunjin. He sat up in curiosity, immediately regretting it, as he held onto Minho who was supposedly by his side.

Which he was, cause he sat up quickly opening the drawer next to him as he pulled out two pain killers, handing them to the boy before handing him the glass of water he had taken with him upstairs, incase he got thirsty.

"Hey, it's okay, just take those and it'll go away soon..Hyunjin is packing the car, tell us if you need anything" Minho smiled, helping the boy to take his pain killers, knowing how it felt himself when it came to feeling aching pain after your first time. Despite his case was quite worse, but that was not something he wanted to talk about nor mention.

"Can I just get cuddles and kisses? My bum hurts" Jeongin giggled, moving slowly towards the older, who brought him closer so the younger didn't have ti move to much.

"Anything you'll ask for" Minho whispered, pressing a gentle kiss on his lips, gently massaging his butt to hopefully make the pain go away.

Jeongin could only smile at the effort, leaning against Minho's chest as he trusted Minho in whatever he was doing. Loving the feeling of lure comfort and care, Jeongin couldn't help but to giggled when the older started complaining about his hands getting tired, eventually just letting it rest on his butt.

"I promise to give you a massage some day too..probably a day were my butt isn't aching, and I can walk properly" Jeongin giggled as he was laid down on the bed, with Minho hovering over him to pamper him with kisses.

The two just minding their own business, in their own little world, while Hyunjin admired them from the door frame, watching his bestfriend kiss practically every spot on the sweet boy's face. A huge smile spread on his face, feeling lure happiness by seeing Jeingin pure happiness. It was perfect.

"Okay, okay, let get going. It's dark outside and it's 10 PM, some are already firing off fireworks so be careful okay?" Hyunjin spoke, approaching the smaller to give him a hug.

Jeongin sat up, raising his arms in the air as he didn't want to limb down the stairs, so he stayed persistent and did his famous puppy eyes, which the taller couldn't say no too.

Despite the closer the better.

Once they got settled just fine in the car, Hyunjin drove off, letting the two boys sit in the backseat like the last time. Giving Jeongin free time to ask about anything he wanted.

"Minho, did you do well on your exam?" He asked, looking up at the older who looked back down at him.

"I hope so..my test are coming back somewhere in January, and then I'll go to school till it's summer break. If I get good grades, I'll probably go onto college, if I want to improve my grade, I would try to request if I can retake it" Minho spoke, looking at how the boy's eyes shone in the dark, so beautiful.

"Hyunjin?" Jeongin then turned his attention to Hyunjin, completely ignoring Minho who couldn't help but laugh at the adorable boy.

He probably had a lot to ask about, and he couldn't wait to ask as bunch of questions, it felt like it was more important than breathing in air, cause he certainly needed to do that for a second.

"Yes baby?".

"How come you always drive, when Minho also have a driver license?" Jeongin asked, causing Minho to groan behind him.

"Cause..Minho sometimes run red lights, even if his not supposed to, so I'm punishing him by not letting him drive..and u certainly do not want you to be sat up for danger when he drives, so I told him that after he gets answers on his exam, he can drive again" Hyunjin spoke, smiling as he looked in the review mirror.

Jeongin looked up at Minho who hid his face in Jeongin's shoulder, not wanting to recall getting his ass whipped by Hyunjin.

"Your such a bad boy" Jeongin spoke, earning a sigh from him.

"I'm just impatient, I'm getting better at it" Minho defended himself.

That made Jeongin think about the time the older dragged him out of school, to go for a drive. He did remember Minho speeding a bit, but he never commented on it.

"Well that is that..so we're here in a few minutes so get ready,at year with did this, and I'm telling you, it was pure beauty".

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