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Minho looked at the boy sleeping peacefully on the bed, covered in blankets as small droplets of sweat ran down his face. They just finished a good round of amazing sex, Jeongin melting the same way as usual. But this time it was a bit different, cause when they all finished Jeongin passed out pretty quickly, compared to them not going hard.

The poor boy must been really tired, so they agreed to let him rest on his own a bit. Respecting his privacy was on of the most important parts of their relationship. And Jeongin was more than just a love interest to them, he was like a diamond that shined in the dark, that only two pair of hand could touch and keep..too share.

So they both just agreed to let the boy rest for awhile, making a promise to wake him up with some breakfast in bed.

But Minho was tense, abnormally tense. His hands were shaking, anders tapping the floor as he looked at the beauty of the younger sleeping.

So much was running through his head..was it because he was pretty much the one taking care of everything? He took care of Hyunjin, even though it seemed like Hyunjin had more of a motherly vibe, Minho was always the one helping him out when he was down the most, he also had Jeongin, and he loved them both equally..but how was he supposed to tell Hyunjin thst he thinks that he may perhaps..like him?

It was messing eith his head, and it sure brought out a small form of an headache.

He sighed, letting the door stay open incase if the younger woke up and needed to get to them. So he left him there to rest, going down the stairs and into the kitchen were Hyunjin was located, eyes on some newspaper which was unusual.

There's been something going on between them, that made them both unusually tense. The worst was Jeongin could clearly tell, so he was constantly asking what was bothering them, but they both often responded with nothing, or that it was just a bit of stress.

But of course they knew that he knew, that it was far more than that.

"Minho?" Hyunjin called out, looking up at him with big eyes.


"How is he? He looked so exhausted, shall we be worried?" Hyunjin asked, going into pure confusion.

Minho thought for a second. He knew there shouldn't be much to be worried about. It's normal to suddenly get tired and not want anything, and he also checked up one him, letting the window stay open for a fresh breath of air, and wrapped him up like he was a present. He was sure he should be resting fine by now.

"I think he is just tired. His an adult now, he has a job, is almost done with school and has multiple responsibilities now too..I just think it takes time for him to get used to it, he'll be fine don't worry" Minho spoke, reassuring the taller that everything was okay.

"How about you, we're so unusually tense around each other..somethings one your mind?" Hyunjin asked, looking st the older in worry.

It was Hyunjin's nature to worry and overthink, so Minho was pretty much there to always comfort him.

And he believed now was a great time to talk things out.

"Theres something we need to talk about..and it does not include Jeongin" Minho stated.

It did sort off include him, but not exactly again. It included him that it was their relationship, or well unofficial relationship, but this was the two's own private conversation.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked, watching Minho take a seat.

"We both like Jeongin a lot, and we share him very well..but I'm pretty sure there's been something that has been bothering both of us, and I need to know what's on your mind thst makes you so tense around me too..Hyunjin.." he trailed off, looking at Hyunjin with confused eyes, it was nothing more than a question, so why was he nervous..maybe he just wanted him to confess?

"Do you think there's more..for both of us than just a friendship..what if, you liked me? And I liked you? But we're both denying our feelings for his sake?".

Sorry for not posting, took a tiny bit times off. But thanks for almost a thousand views!

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