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Jeongin couldn't think straight, he was dizzy, and suffered from a headache that wouldn't go away. Noise was way more clear to his ear, yet his vision was less clear. He could hear his heart pounding, as he felt the tears roll down his cheeks, the arms around him holding him, to comfort him..though he didn't feel comforted at all. It was hard to feel comforted, when all he could think of was what Hyunjin had told him an hour ago, and yet he still sat on the floor, but was now embraced by the taller who wasn't planning on letting go.

"Shh..stop thinking about it..let's get you calmed down first" Hyunjin spoke, trailing his fingers against the boy's back, as he let out many cries.

"W-why..do I have to be the one..y-you guys, stalk" Jeongin cried out, feeling so confused and frustrated. Though..he did not want to lie, but it did feel good to have a shoulder to cry on.

"Cause your special..really..really..special" Hyunjin continued to comfort, trying to comfort the smaller with words, instead of physical contact. though still kept him close to his chest.

And it seemed to work. Cause Jeongin slowly calmed down, eventually letting a few tears slip, here and there..but nothing more.

The sound of the restroom door opening could be heard throughout the whole restroom, catching the attention of both Jeongin and Hyunjin.

In walked a tired Minho, who glanced at Hyunjin, who had the still emotional boy, in his arms.

"Any update" Minho spoke, leaning against one of the stall doors, looking at the small boy who hid his face in Hyunjin's shoulder.

Of course there was a huge update and a huge explanation aswell, but as of now, all Hyunjin assumed Jeongin needed, was to go home and rest.

"I told him..and his a bit shaken up, I assume that once his ready we'd walk him home" Hyunjin explained, keeping the boy tightly in his arms.

Jeongin was a bit against the idea of letting the men follow him home, cause he surely wasn't comfortable nor safe with them..but he didn't have any choice, and they probably went with him to keep and eye on him aswell. Just like any other day. He just hoped that he would feel less uncomfortable when he notice the staring, and hopefully they would have a form of respect for his privacy aswell.

There was nothing he could do at the moment. He was scared, confused and stressed over everything. The men was way stronger than him, one currently having him on their arms, which was u undeniably fucked up. Jeongin could easily report this to the police, and so he was supposed too..and he wanted to badly do it once he got the privacy.

For some reason he felt like if he were actually going to report it, he would get followed to the station, and perhaps kidnapped, maybe killed on the way there. And sure he could call them, which he wanted to do too so badly..but anxiety held him back.

The fact he felt so powerless, despite having the power to report them. It was odd, was this some form of fucked up side effect of bring stalked? Or was it purely because he needed time to eventually calm down. Either way, all he knew was to not let the men get to close to them, hoping that they eventually grow tired of him.

"Where is your phone?" Minho asked, approaching him as he crouched down to his level.

"Why you need to know that?" Jeongin sobbed, looking up at the already irritated man.

"So we can call that stupid father of yours-".

"Minho, leave" Hyunjin interrupted, noticing how Jeongon tensed up at the sudden attack.

The male grunted, before leaving the restrooms, yet again. Going gods knows where.

"My father is not stupid..." Jeongin mumbled, fiddling with his fingers.

He barely paid attention to be wrapped up in Hyunjin's arms anymore, accepting it like it is. He had no choice but to do so, sighing heavily, before paying attention to the taller.

"His not..in fact we're happy that he takes care of you so much" Hyunjin spoke, trying to take the boy's mind of what Minho said.

"But Minho-".

"He's being possessive, like always".

Jeongin let the new information about Minho sink in, remembering to take a mental note on that. What would he possibly use it for? He don't know yet, but he believed it was important to keep in mind.

"Possessive?" Jeongin questioned.

"Yeah..Minho doesn't like when anyone, and with that I mean anyone but me, to lay a hand on you..no matter what kind of physical way" Hyunjin explained.

"How long are you even planning on continuing all of this? Please..if you want to have normal contact with me, be like any other decent human being, and ask for my number or something..there's no reason to stalk me, nor make me uncomfortable.." Jeongin spoke hesitantly, being on guard as he waited patiently for Hyunjin to let him leave his arms.

"Well, can I get your number then?".

"That is really bad timing you know".

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