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"Minho, where are you taking me?" Jeongin asked, as he sat in the car with Minho, some of his belongings in the make, which made Jeongin confused.

He wasn't supposed to move until next week, though he did already start packing. His father's reaction to his decision wasn't that delightful, and he had ti hide himself away in the bathroom, till his father eventually left him alone.

But after that, Minho came to pick him up. It was also the very first time both Minho and his father has seen each other, well directly looking at each other, cause Minho did know how he looked. Bit moral of the story, they did not share a single word with each other, and Minho just continued helping Jeongin move some of the boxes into the car. And that was probably the moment his father realised that this situation was very real, cause he surely did not seem satisfied, watching both Jeongin and Minho take the most important belonging down to the car.

Though the thing was, that Jeongin didn't expect Minho to do this, especially considering the fact he was moving a week from now..aka his birthday. So he was sort of confused but went with the flow, knowing that it was probably safest to do it now, before his father would make a scene.

"On a little date, I suppose it'll help calm your nerves down" Minho spoke, placing his hand on the younger's thigh, caressing it gently.

Jeongin just melted at the touch, letting the man beside him do what he wants, knowing either way that he won't have an issue with it.

"But where is Hyunjin?" Jeongin questioned, turning to look at Minho who focused on driving. Looking unbelievably hot.

"He is working, so he is quite busy these next three days, cause he is the only one on shift" Minho spoke, looking directly ahead of the road.

The road was unfamiliar to Jeongin, it looked pretty, with all the snow that covered the ground and trees, making it look like he was in a fantasy world, and he loved it. But it was still unfamiliar to him, so he stayed cautious for no absolute reason.

He knew he could trust Minho, but recently his been much more aware of his surroundings.

"What does he even work as?" Jeongin asked, curiosity filling his voice.

"He works for a modeling company as a photographer and editor, this past week most of his coworkers has been calling in sick, so he covered a lot of shift while also making extra money" Minho spoke, making a left turn, driving out of the city.

"How about you? Your making money aswell right?" Jeongin asked, looking at Minhi who took a qui k glimpse at the adorable boy beside him.

He smiled, squeezing his thigh softly, before moving it to the gear stick eventually speeding up a bit.

"Yes but thar is nothing compared to Hyunjin. While Hyunjin had successfully gotten offered a position with the help of a friend. I'll wait to get my college degree before I start seeking for a proper job, right now I work as a staff at a retiring home for old people" Minho spoke, genuinely seeming happy about his current job.

"What do you wanna be then?" Jeongin asked, looking fondly at the man, eyes big as he took in all his features.

"I wanna be either a therapist, or a phychiatrist. In planning on studying psychology!...how about you, got any plans?" Minho asked, asking into the younger's career dreams.

Jeongin thought for a while, he never really thought of becoming something, cause he was always so sure he'd have his mother or father help him become something. He wasn't that picky about choosing jobs, all he needed was good paychecks, and that was it. But now that his expectations has fallen a bit down, due to losing his mother and having an abusive father, he really couldn't help but ti tear up at the thought, already feeling that it would already be a lot of stress being put on him.

Minho didn't notice the boy sudden change in attitude, due to focusing on the road in front of him.

"I..I'm not sure..I guess something simple is fine, I'm not heading to be a millionaire or something, I just need a good paycheck that can pay for all of my needs, while stick having some leftover money for my own enjoyment, you know" Jeongin shared not really wanting to think about his parents at the moment, so he wiped his teary eyes and held back a sob.

"That's fine, you don't need to become something big to succeed in life..it all depends on what you truly want to become that define whether your successfully reached that goal, while still being happy with it" Minho spoke, loving the reply he got from Jeongin.

He knew it was difficult for the boy to find out where he belonged, but as long as he felt happy and secure in what he was doing, then he nor Hyunjin could have say in it.

They were proud of him either way.

Sorry for not publishing, wasn't feeling well, but I'm better now :).

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