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Tw: soft smut, praise.

Jeongin felt heat through his whole body, moaning out lewd sounds for the older who littered kisses over his neck and chest, letting the boy wrap his arms around his shoulder, as they both tried to keep quiet.

The window in Jeongin's room was covered with fog, clothes scattered out on the floor, as their sweaty body
collided with each other.

Minho's trust were slow and deep, very different from their first time, but Jeongin loved this side of him as much as the other.

While desperately clenching around Minho's length, enjoying the slow and deep trust that hit his prostate on spot every single time, going deeper and deeper as they didn't wanna speed up any process, enjoying the slow and passionate sex. Touching each other up while keeping moans and grunts low, whispering sweet nothings to each other, giggling and laughing as the intertwined their hands.

This was perfect, he loved how Minho took his time, instead of fucking him relentlessly, he kept it slow and passionate, making the pleasure last longer, feeling like floating in heaven. It was perfect.

Jeongin wrapped his legs around Minho's waist, allowing Minho to push his legs a bit more against him, to be able to hit deep inside of him, sweat dripping from his locks as he slowly grew tired, but wanted more.

"Fuck baby, your so perfect" Minho groaned, kissing his lips softly, sharing many emotions with his trust and kisses, his hands that roamed his body, made him feel like he was lit on fire.

And it was perfect.

"M-minho-ah.." Jeongin moaned quietly into his ear, feeling himself get thrilled at the exciting feeling of his father being inside of the living room, completely obnoxious to whatever that was going on inside the younger's room.

Jeongin just let himself melt into the affection, letting Minho handle him with care as he made the sheets damp with his sweaty body, arching his back to get impossibly closer to Minho.

All too perfect to ne true. Though it was very much true.

Though even if it felt weird to share such a moment without Hyunjin, they both knew that he had no issue with any of them having alone time with Jeongin. And God it felt amazing.

Don't get him wrong though, he still preffered getting railed by both. It just made him feel extra special and taken care of, but being alone with Minho was amazing. And he was sure that being alone with Hyunjin, was just as amazing.

"Fuck, your perfect petite body are taking me so well baby..look at how beautiful you are" Minho spoke, knowing that Jeongin wasn't able to see himself..but the thought of being able to see himself while getting fucked, was undeniably hot.

Jeongin just let out a small giggle, kissing Minho's neck softly, a bit disappointed he isn't able to make a mark on him, he just didn't know how.

That was when he was turned around, causing him to strandle Minho's lap while still having him inside, Minho beneath him. He was so out of breath, skin shining from sweat, sweat dripping off of his forehead as he laughed at Jeongin's attempt in marking him.

"How" Jeongin pouted still inexperienced, as all he wanted was to make the man under him groan from pleasure.

So Jeongin automatically starting moving up and down slowly, letting Minho rest his hands on his hips, guiding them and holding them to support the boy. It all made Jeongin blush at the affection given to him.

He loved how he had a clear vision of Minho beneath him, how his perfectly cut out abs looked so prominent when sweaty, and how his muscles were on full display for him, making his biceps looks ten times more attractive on him than before. He loved how his slightly tanner skin was dripping with sweat, his damp hair, it was perfect.

Jeongin loved it, how he was able to take control even if he was above him. It made him feel supported and undeniably good.

"You, just suck I don't mind biting" Minho chuckled, putting his neck on full display for the younger to try mark.

Which he did, finding it hard to trust and mark him up at the same time. So he decided to take a small break, and focus on marking him up. Letting himself get lost in that feeling.

Minho let out a series of sighs, caressing his waist as Jeongin worked his tongue over his skin, sucking harshly to create a red mark..not the best, but Jeongin was satisfied..and so was Minho, who was proud to have a mark made by Jeongin, on him.

Jeongin giggled yet again as he was once again turned around. Minho hovering over his petite body as he continued his trust, still keeping it slow as he enjoyed being engulfed by Jeongin's tight walls, letting the boy under him, moan out his name as quietly as possible.

In Minho's eyes, Jeongin looked precious. His pale sweaty skin, his flushed cheeks and puffy eyes, his swollen lips that he was busy bitting to keep in sinful sounds, his damp hair sticking to his forehead. He was the definition of perfect.

"Fuck you look perfect like this..make me wanna take a picture to savor this moment" Minho groaned, catching Jeongin's smile in response.

"You can take one, I don't mind" Jeongin smiled, bitting his lips as he held back a louder moan, trying to suppress his moans even more as Minho upgraded their position.

Now he hand his legs resting on Minho shoulders, him deeper inside of him as he leaned forward to grab his phone. Making a blush appear on his already flushed skin, and it made the boy look even better and fucked out on the picture, that Minho saved on his phone.

"Shit, shall we finish baby?" Minho asked, not wanting to end this perfect moment, but knew they couldn't continue forever, knowing that they both were already worn out.

Jeongin nodded in response, preparing for the sudden change of speed.

His hands flew to the sheets beneath him, grabbing them as he bit his lip extra hard to suppress the louder moans that wanted to escape, Minho now going fast and deep inside him, causing them both to reach their high very soon. Making Jeongin whine quietly as Minho went on aimlessly, slowing down as their high approached, making the effect of their orgasm hit hard, which caused Jeongin to arch his back, trying to control the many moans that threatened to be screamed out.

"Fuck Minho!" His whimpered, clenching his eyes close at the oh so amazing feeling. Smiling as Minho kissed his lips softly. Cum covering both their bodies, as Minho filled him up from deep inside, causing him to let out one final moan.

Minho trusted a few more times, before finally pulling out and collapsing beside the younger. Pulling him into his arms as they both breathed heavily, looking at each other smiling and laughing. Ready to take a nap before proceeding the aftercare.

This was all too perfect, and Jeongin lived for it.

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