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Jeongin felt himself light out as soon as he sat down on his seat, head falling onto the table, attempting to hide away from everything..and everyone.

Last night was..intense. his father had gotten home, after the two men eventually left. He started yelling and practically crying, Jeongin felt scared to approach him, he remembered how thing were flying around the apartment, breaking windows and glass, plates shadered on the floor. And puchte frames barely hanging onto the wall anymore. He had no idea what had gotten into the man he considered a father. The man that used to bring him do much happiness.

He badly wanted to be the responsible one, and help his father out..but he quickly found out, that it was impossible to help someone..who didn't want the help.

So Jeongin got little to actually no sleep this night, feeling stressed at the amount of people gathered around school. Bumping into boys, accidentally spilling a girl's coffee over her. Today was just such a great day.

Hint the sarcasm?

He perked up, feeling a hand on his thigh, immediately looking to were the hand could possibly come from, and surely..he did have an expectation that it would be him, yet was still somehow surprised.

"Good morning to you too" Jeongin said with a slight groan, laying his head against the table.

"Tell me what happened" Minho spoke quietly, squeezing his thigh softly.

That was enough to make Jeongin blush. It was weird to get such an affection, from a rather quiet and personal man who didn't let a lot of people get to know him..but it felt so good, he didn't want his hand to leave his thigh ever again. It fit perfectly, the way he traced it back and forth..he couldn't help but to fall in complete love with the feeling. His body once again felt like it was lit on fire, making him want to just burn up, right there and then.

"Just a bit of a night..that's it" Jeongin spoke, recalling yesterday with a painful sigh. "I'll tell you more after school..mind if I come over?" Jeongin spoke, causing Minho to look up in excitement.

Something he never expected to see.

"Yes..finally you asked, do you know how much it takes to not practically kidnap you?" Minho spoke, eventually growing quieter and quieter, second by second. But Jeongin was just happy the older was happy.

"Uh weird fact..but yeah..Hyunjin told me a out your both being completely lost in me..that sounds weird to say.." Jeongin blushed, turning his head the other way, in attempt to avoid the older's burning gaze.

"Are you sure you don't want to skip class?" Minho whispered to him, causing him the flinch slightly at the sudden voice beside his ear.

Jeongin honestly didn't know. He missed so much school work, simply because of everything that has been going on, causing him to be unbelievably mentally exhausted, to the point he was spending his nights throwing ups. So no, he did not like returning after such days being spend on practically crying, worrying, stressing and throwing up..yet that was only the small percentage of what actually bothered him. He was so unbelievably shocked by his father change of mood, suddenly turning cold and distant, rarely home..and when he is, he gets angry for no reason.

Jeongin was baying concerned about his father, but he was yet ready to talk to someone about it. But Minho did in fact seem like knowing a thing or two, causing the younger to feel slightly unsure whether he knew or didn't knew.

He haven't even realised tears started rolling down his cheeks, causing him to cry quietly..and it certainly did not go unnoticed by Minho.

"Yeah, no..let's go for a ride" Minho exclaimed, standing up and taking the boy's wrist, pulling him up along.

Jeongin just followed, figuring it would be easier to follow Minho's lead. Getting lost in his own thoughts in the mean time. He didn't know how to really feel. He had two men, in absolute love with him, and they both managed to make him feel so unbelievably special..and if he were to choose, then who? Can you really be more than two people in a relationship? He wondered about a lot. He felt so unsure, he didn't know what to believe.

Maybe it would be better to let both Hyunjin and Minho take the lead? He really hoped so..cause that was what was happening right now, Minho dragging him towards the car parked by the fences..like it always was.

"Cry, yell, complain, all you want to say..even if you mean its beyond fucked up, just say it, I'll be listening to every single word" Minho spoke, pushing the boy rather gently into the car, letting him put on his seatbelt, before entering the car himself.

"We can drive for as long as you need baby..only if you remember to tell me all a out last night".

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