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"..N-no...he is just working over time a lot..he isn't really there like he used too, but he now he has to cover our finances without the helo of our community..and it's quite hard for him" Jeongin lied, holding his breath for a second as he tried to remember everything he just stated.

"See Jeongin..I think most of your symptoms are actually based on stress, perhaps everything with your mother has been affecting your daily life, and having a father who is barely even home, puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. I wanna ask a few questions regarding your mental health now, since the symptoms you currently have is based off of stress, so it's important that we know what we can do to help you, alright?" The doctor spoke, writing a few things down in the charts he held in his hands.

Jeongin felt his breath hitch, but he nodded quickly as he held onto the lie he had just told the professional doctor..knowing how disappointed Minho and Hyunjin would be, if they figured out he lied..he felt so guilty, but he really didn't know which side to hold onto.

"Along with throwing up, are you doing it on purpose or is it appetite related?" The doctor started off asking, keeping a close eye on the boy's body language.

"Appetite related..my body keeps resisting everything I put in it, no matter healthy or fastfood" Jeongin shared, feeling his stomach ached a bit.

"Do you experience typical stomach pains?".

"Mhm, everyday".

Jeongin took a deep breath, letting himself relax as the questions got easier to answer.

"Do you experience any form of anxiety? Or have you gon through a traumatic experience, like one similar to your mother's death?" The doctor continued, getting to the more personal questions.

"Well..around November, I felt like I was being watched 24/7. This cause be to have frequent panic attacks" He shared.

"Did you report it to the police?".

"Yes..but they said they couldn't do anything about it, since it was only something I felt.." He lied yet again, afraid to expose both Minho and Hyunjin, knowing they really had zero intentions in harming him.

"That was when your mother's condition got worse right?".

Jeongin held his breath again, feeling as if he were oversharing to much.


"I believe you felt a lot of anxiety around that time, causing you to feel and experience things more sensual..you would feel as if people stared at you, or laughed at you, when they a be simply laughing at a video they saw..I believe you began suffering from anxiety due to that..especially due to the frequents panic and anxiety attacks" He shared adding up all the things at once.

Jeongin listened closely, picking up whatever thean in front of him said..slowly starting to believe his own lies.

"Let's switch subject..relationship vice..how well do you know the two men out there?" He asked into Minho and Hyunjin, raising his brow at Jeongin.

"Quite a lot I assume..Minho has opened about his childhood to me..Hyunjin is easy to read directly, but isn't really opening up thst much about his own feelings..but his good a reading other people too" Jeongin spoke, getting lost in his own world for a second, admiring them in his head.

"Do you have any romantic feelings or interactions with one of them?".

"..Both actually".

This took the doctor a bit of guard, but chose to ignore it, knowing it wasn't his job to judge his patients relationships.

"Okay..have you participated in any sexual activity with them?".

"Yes..once" He blushed, looking away as heated memories made an appearance.

"Ever had sex before you participated in sexual activity with both of them?" He asked, writing the things down.

"No, they were my first..".

The doctor looked up at him, smiling softly as a gratitude for him to open up so easily, which wasn't always the case.

"How about your sexuality? Do you feel confident in it?" The doctor asked again.

"I guess I'm fine..I don't have an issue with being with the two of them..as long as it all function just fine" Jeongin spoke, never getting the heated memories out of his head.

"Alright..I think that is it. What I can see is that you've experience some traumatic experiences and you have gotten overly stressed and anxious from it, which has caused you to have physical health issues like throwing up, which happens when your under an amount of pressure..either from yourself or others..the best way of getting out of it, would be going to therapy..talk it out with someone you maybe don't know ir have any form of relationship with..it can be a great opportunity to get things off of your chest easier" the doctor stated, handing him a flier immediately.

"And if you experience any difficulties when it comes to throwing up, don't hesitate to call us again alright?" The doctor spoke with a smile.

Jeongin just nodded as he stood up himself, feeling slightly light headed but chose to ignore it..knowing thst when he gets home, he would pass out on his bed.

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