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Its been a few more days, and Hyunjin rarely let the boy be on his own. Not certainly because he wanted to keep an eye on him, he just needed the comfort the younger brought him, finding Minho's way of comfort, quite the thing.

He still couldn't get over how Minho let him take anger and frustration out with a scissor and a teddy bear. Scary enough, it helped..but he preffered hanging onto Jeongin, receiving so many cute giggles and laughs that he felt like he was seeing an angel, send from heaven while he laid in the dips of hell.

So Hyunjin was everywhere, and Jeongin was fine with that, he knew he needed time to cope, and if cuddles and soft kisses helped him..then he was more than happy to deliver those things to him. It wasn't like Hyunjin was a bother anyway, he liked his company..even though both their social batteries went out, Jeongin still let the taller stick around him, giving small pieces of kisses bow and then.

Like today, it was more of a relaxing day, the sun was shining after many months of pure clouds covering the yellow ball of gas. The temperature wasn't that high thought, a bit underneath average, but it was still a nice sunny day.

So school seemed to be less stressed to be in, including when plants slowly started to appear, even some flowers, trees finally not standing naked in the cold winter, as it was finally spring.

So they both agreed that after school, they would seek for a place to get some ice cream.

Also Minho had gotten back answers from his exam, and they were pretty positive to say atleast. So that was another positive note to think about, as the sweet taste of chocolate ice cream with raspberry, filled his senses.

He knew Hyunjin was starting to feel relatively better, and less guilty about his attitude, starting to accept his own behaviour a bit, knowing that he sadly couldn't be a hundred percent perfect for Jeongin.

Even so, Jeongin loved that. He didn't need to have paper perfect boyfriends, all he required was them caring and comforting, them knowing how to care for him the best, and even sometimes when they choose bad decisions, like being a bit strict with him..he knew it was because of how protective they were, and that he could easily talk it out with them.

They weren't the biggest optimist whenever he said he'd be working late, and not wanting them to go get him. Mainly because they were overly worried about him, but he easily taught them not to be, and even said that if they really did feel better staying up to wait for him, then he wouldn't mind.

Sure at first it was a problem, knowing he didn't need to have them waiting on him since he was an adult. But if it helped calm their anxious minds, then Jeongin didn't have any issue in letting them wait.

And it often resolved in cuddles and kisses, so he had no problem with that..well atleast not as much as before.

Sorry for being late, been pretty busy yesterday since it was cleaning day :D.

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