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Even though Minho was driven more by force and was being rather direct than sympathetic, Jeongin couldn't help, but to be in complete awe by just the way the older acted in general. Sure he had a skeptical side to him at first, but getting to gradually know the older, he eventually figured that Minho was better st expressing through body language, than overall words. Which was odd, cause sure he was direct, but it seemed like when it came to his feelings, he lacked in the verbal area..and it made the younger quite curious on the, still mysterious male, beside him. But he slowly got used to the fact that both Hyunjin and Minho was pretty much the opposite of each other.

Hyunjin seemed more empathic and sympathetic, always so caring and had this motherly vibe to him, that Jeongin couldn't get enough of. He was certainly calm, and wasn't as easy to anger as he thought to begin with. He was also incredibly talented in for photography, taking the most breath taking picture. The best part was, that Hyunjin even showed him picture, that meant something to him, some pictures that was more personal and had meanings behind them, or just stories as to why Hyunjin even took the said picture. He was very poetic, and Jeongin believed that, that was where he got such an understanding heart from.

Minho on the other hand. He was quiet, calm, but easy to anger. Always sharing his direct opinions on stuff, and curse much more than Hyunjin, and definitely like to curse a lot when he is mentioning something he doesn't like. His aura was different from Hyunjin's. He wasn't a social butterfly nor a smooth talker, he needed to get over with conversations quickly, and you would be lucky if he genuinely cared to to talk to you. He was more rough, and yet again, expressed his feelings with body language, whether if it's a sudden hug, our a way of dragging, to show him something..and Jeongin found that quite cute.

That was what Jeongin was able to pick up from both the mens personalities. And to say, he definitely wasn't disappointed. They both were unique in their own way, and Jeongin felt himself loving both ways a lot more than he probably should.

"Where are you going to take me?" Jeongin asked, looking out the window, assuming the older would rather focus on driving.

"I don't know..just around, I like when things comes unexpectedly, it's like taking a risk. But I think you should take this opportunity to talk about what's actually going on at home, before either me or Hyunjin will find out ourselves..and I wouldn't exactly say that we would do it nicely" Minho spoke, warning the younger about their possible behaviour.

Jeongin looked down, sighing as he tried to stabilize his now uneven breathing.

"I get that..but I don't know if I'm ready yet..I think it's easy to figure out what's going on, cause I've already told you some of it" Jeongin spoke, jumping a bit as he felt Minho speed up a bit.

"If that jerk of a father, isn't being very kind..you should say it immediately, Jeongin it's not healthy to have a parent completely ignoring you and your needs..it's considered emotional neglect" Minho spoke, slowly getting tense as he calmed his nerves before receiving a speeding ticket.

He was right, but why was he being so tense about it? Jeongin was beyond confused  and knew it was something personal, but maybe that was an opportunity to get to know him better?

"Last night he sort of had a tantrum..throwing stuff around, disturbing my sleep..I didn't want to be involved with it, so I let it happened..I've tried to help him put a lot of times, but he doesn't accept the help on offering him..he turns a blind eye to me, like I suddenly doesn't mean shit to him. He is not the same old caring father, who took me out to get ice cream, or gave me comforting hugs when i needed it the most. I was just suddenly nothing, like I never existed in his world..it's quite frustrating" Jeongin spoke, eventually starting to cry mus sentence, tears streaming down his face.

The worst was that it all happened so fast, at such a bad timing. It was unbearable.

He could feel the anger radiating off of Minho, he eventually parked the car at an empty parking lot, turning around to face the crying boy beside him, looking at him with concern.

"Jeongin..you can't help a person that won't accept the help..it's your choice of you want to stay, too see what happens..but if I'm being completely honest, it's best if you get out of that apartment" Minho spoke, trying his best to not make it sound like he wanted to younger to move in with them, cause sure it would be nice to see him more often..but he knew himself that it was wrong, all he wanted was to comfort the boy.

"I..maybe when I turn 18?" Jeongin sobbed, knowing there was still a bit of time to go. And considering it was Christmas on less than 4 days, said a lot.

This was a hell of a year, and he couldn't wait to get out of it.

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